Function cassandra_cpp_sys::cass_ssl_new_no_lib_init

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn cass_ssl_new_no_lib_init() -> *mut CassSsl
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Creates a new SSL context without initializing the underlying library implementation. The integrating application is responsible for initializing the underlying SSL implementation. The driver uses the SSL implmentation from several threads concurrently so it’s important that it’s properly setup for multithreaded use e.g. lock callbacks for OpenSSL.

Important: The SSL library must be initialized before calling this function.

When using OpenSSL the following components need to be initialized:

SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();

The following thread-safety callbacks also need to be set:

CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(…); CRYPTO_set_id_callback(…);

@public @memberof CassSsl

@return Returns a SSL context that must be freed.

@see cass_ssl_new() @see cass_ssl_free()