Function cassandra_cpp_sys::cass_cluster_set_execution_profile

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn cass_cluster_set_execution_profile(
    cluster: *mut CassCluster,
    name: *const c_char,
    profile: *mut CassExecProfile,
) -> CassError
Expand description

Associates a named execution profile which can be utilized during execution.

Note: Once the execution profile is added to a cluster, it is immutable and any changes made to the execution profile must be re-assigned to the cluster before a session connection is established in order for those settings to be utilized during query execution.

@public @memberof CassCluster

@param[in] cluster @param[in] name @param[in] profile @return CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred

@see cass_batch_set_execution_profile() @see cass_statement_set_execution_profile()