Module casbin::rhai

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  • Configuration for Rhai.
  • Module containing all built-in packages available to Rhai, plus facilities to define custom packages.
  • Module defining macros for developing plugins.
  • (serde) Serialization and deserialization support for serde. Exported under the serde feature only.



  • Compiled AST (abstract syntax tree) of a Rhai script.
  • Dynamic type containing any value.
  • Rhai main scripting engine.
  • Context of a script evaluation process.
  • An expression sub-tree in an AST.
  • A general function pointer, which may carry additional (i.e. curried) argument values to be passed onto a function during a call.
  • Type for fine-tuned module function registration.
  • The system immutable string type.
  • A measurement of a monotonically nondecreasing clock. Opaque and useful only with Duration.
  • A reader-writer lock
  • A module which may contain variables, sub-modules, external Rust functions, and/or script-defined functions.
  • Context of a native Rust function call.
  • Error when parsing a script.
  • A location (line number + character position) in the input script.
  • Type containing information about the current scope. Useful for keeping state between Engine evaluation runs.
  • A thread-safe reference-counting pointer. ‘Arc’ stands for ‘Atomically Reference Counted’.
  • Builder to build the API of a custom type for use with an Engine.
  • Information on a variable declaration.




  • Trait to build the API of a custom type for use with an Engine (i.e. register the type and its getters, setters, methods, etc.).
  • Trait that parses arguments to a function call.
  • Trait to register custom Rust functions.


  • Evaluate a string as a script, returning the result value or an error.
  • Evaluate a script file, returning the result value or an error.
  • Return the JSON representation of an object map.
  • Evaluate a string as a script.
  • Evaluate a file.

Type Aliases§

  • Variable-sized array of Dynamic values.
  • Variable-sized array of u8 values (byte array).
  • The system integer type. It is defined as i32 since the only_i32 feature is used.
  • A dictionary of Dynamic values with string keys.

Attribute Macros§

  • Attribute, when put on a Rust function, turns it into a plugin function.
  • Attribute, when put on a Rust module, turns it into a plugin module.
  • Macro to automatically expose a Rust function, type-def or use statement as pub when under the internals feature.

Derive Macros§

  • Macro to implement the [CustomType][rhai::CustomType] trait.