Crate cargo_auto_lib
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Automation tasks coded in Rust language for the workflow of Rust projects
version: 2.4.8 date: 2024-04-23 author: repository: GitHub
cargo_auto_lib is part of the automation_tasks_rs project
Hashtags: #maintained #ready-for-use #rustlang #automation #workflow
My projects on GitHub are more like a tutorial than a finished product: bestia-dev tutorials.
I recommend using the CRUSTDE - Containerized Rust Development Environment to write Rust projects on Linux, isolated from your system.
§Try it
First, install the tool for task automation in Rust projects:
cargo install cargo-auto
# Generate a new Rust CLI project:
cargo auto new_cli hello_world
# Open the `hello_world` project in VSCode:
code hello_world
# Open the generated directory `automation_tasks_rs` as an independent rust project in VSCode.
code hello_world/automation_tasks_rs
Now we can analyze the automation code. There is already this dependency inside Cargo.toml
for our library:
Review the code in automation_tasks_rs/
. The cl::
namespace is the alias for cargo_auto_lib
/// cargo build --release
fn task_release() {
let cargo_toml = CargoToml::read();
cl::run_shell_command("cargo fmt");
cl::run_shell_command("cargo build --release");
{YELLOW}After `cargo auto release`, run the compiled binary, examples and/or tests{RESET}
{GREEN}./target/release/{package_name} arg_1{RESET}
{YELLOW}if ok then{RESET}
{GREEN}cargo auto doc{RESET}
package_name = cargo_toml.package_name(),
You can see this function will increment the version in Cargo.toml
Then it will copy some data from Cargo.toml
to (title, description, version, author,…).
It will count the lines of code and create badges in
Then comes the traditional Rust part: cargo fmt and cargo build –release.
Finally, it will show on the screen the instructions on how to continue developing.
Run (in your main rust project):
cargo auto release
Now open the and you will see the data that this automation task copied from other places. Therefore you change this data only in one place, the automation task copies them wherever needed.
§Panic!() and unwrap()
I want the tasks to exit immediately on any error. So I use unwrap() and panic!() a lot.
On purpose. And because I wrote this before I learned Rust error handling.
§Development details
Read the development details in a separate md file:
§Releases changelog
Read the release changelog in a separate md file:
- remove the existing support for workspaces. Workspaces are a mess
- change it so that every member must have its own automation
- the workspace automation then calls the member’s automation
- It is better to have a non-workspace group of projects that are
- developed together using single workflow automation
§Open-source and free as a beer
My open-source projects are free as a beer (MIT license).
I just love programming.
But I need also to drink. If you find my projects and tutorials helpful, please buy me a beer by donating to my PayPal.
You know the price of a beer in your local bar ;-)
So I can drink a free beer for your health :-)
Na zdravje! Alla salute! Prost! Nazdravlje! 🍻
- Read data from Cargo.toml Read data from Cargo.toml
- Shell command builder with simple but limited sanitizer
- similar to std::process::Output, but with i32 and Strings for easier work similar to std::process::Output, but with i32 and Strings for easier work
- ANSI color
- ANSI color
- ANSI color
- ANSI color
- ANSI color
- Trait with methods to read data from Cargo.toml
- Trait with methods for ShellCommandLimitedDoubleQuotesSanitizer
- Add commit message to Unreleased in
- This function includes data from Cargo.toml to markdown files.
- I want html pages to be correct microXML when I use them for single page application.
- deletes old js snippets when working with wasm-pack
- Pretty HTML for docs
- This function inserts shield badges with lines_of_code into
- Finds rs files with markers and include segments from md files as doc comments
- process plantuml in current directory
- Process plantuml for all md files
- Include the link to run code in Rust playground
- Increment the minor version in Cargo.toml file only if files are changed
- Increment the minor version in Cargo.toml file even if files are not changed
- Increment the patch version in Cargo.toml file only if files are changed
- Increment the patch version in Cargo.toml file even if files are not changed
- New version from date is written to Cargo.toml and service_worker.js
- Just like auto_version_from_date(), but force the new version even if no files are changed.
- Increment the version in Cargo.toml
- Increment the version in Cargo.toml
- Get release text from
- println one, more or all sub_commands
- The original
function does not have a delimiter - Copy all files from the folder into a module as strings (static &str)
- Create a new Version title in
- Check if the code was run inside the Rust project root directory.
- find from_pos
- return the position of end of the delimited data before the delimiter
- return the position of start of the delimited data after the delimiter
- Has git remote
- Check if this folder is a local Git repository
- sync, check, create, push git tag
- Hash text
- home_dir() using the home crate.
- Interactive ask to create a new local git repository
- UTC date in iso standard like 2024-12-31
- Run one shell command
- Run one shell command and return ShellOutput {exit_status, stdout, stderr}
- Run one shell command with static str
- Run one shell command and return true if success
- Traverse dir and its sub-dir, but avoid excluded dirs.
Type Aliases§
- Result type with fixed LibError using thiserror