Crate cargo_update

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A cargo subcommand for checking and applying updates to installed executables

§Special thanks

To all who support further development on Patreon, in particular:

  • ThePhD
  • Embark Studios
  • Lars Strojny
  • EvModder

§Library doc

This library is used by cargo-update itself for all its function and is therefore contains all necessary functions.


See the src/ file in the git repository.

§Executable manpage


cargo install-update [OPTIONS] [PACKAGE…]


Cargo subcommand for checking and applying updates to installed executables.

This was mostly built out of a frustration with periodically checking for updates for my cargo-installed executables, which was long and boring.

Updates packages from the main repository and git repositories.

See cargo-install-update-config(1) for further configuring updates.

The CARGO_INSTALL_OPTS environment variable can be set, containing options to forward to the end of cargo install invocations’ argument lists. Note, that cargo-install-update-config(1) is preferred in the general case.

Exit values and possible errors:

-1 - cargo subprocess was terminated by a signal (Linux-only)
1  - option parsing error
2  - registry repository error
X  - bubbled-up cargo install exit value


-a –all

Update all currently installed executables.

Required if list of packages not given.


List of packages to update in the [(registry_url):]package_name[:version] format.

Registry defaults to the default registry,
and can be a name from ~/.cargo/config.

If specified in addition to --all,
will add the specified packages to the update list
(useful, e.g., in conjunction with --allow-no-update).

Required if --all not given.

-l –list

Don't update any packages, just list them.

If PACKAGE is empty, act as if --all was specified.

-f –force

Update all packages, regardless of whether they need to be version-wise.

-i –allow-no-update

Allow to fresh install packages passed as PACKAGE argument.

This is useful, for example, in pairing with cargo-install-update-config(1).

Off by default.

-g –git

Also update git-originating packages.

Off by default, because it's expensive.

-q –quiet

Don't print status messages to stdout
and pass down --quiet to cargo subprocesses.

-s –filter <PACKAGE_FILTER>…

Only consider packages matching all filters.

PACKAGE_FILTER is in the form "key=value", where key is any of:
  - "toolchain": the package must be configured to be compiled with
                 the specified toolchain via cargo-install-update-config(1).

-c –cargo-dir <CARGO_DIR>

Set the directory containing cargo metadata.

Required. Default: "$CARGO_HOME", then "$HOME/.cargo", otherwise manual.

-t –temp-dir <TEMP_DIR>

Set the directory in which to clone git repositories.

Adjoined with "cargo-update" as last segment.

Required. Default: system temp, otherwise manual.



Overrides the registries.crates-io.protocol Cargo configuration key.

The default is sparse, and the URL is sparse+ Set to some other value to use the git registry ( for


Overrides the net.git-fetch-with-cli Cargo configuration key.


Overrides the git executable in net.git-fetch-with-cli=true mode.


cargo install-update -a

Update all installed packages.

Example output:
      Updating registry ``

  Package         Installed  Latest   Needs update
  checksums       v0.5.0     v0.5.2   Yes
  treesize        v0.2.0     v0.2.1   Yes
  cargo-count     v0.2.2     v0.2.2   No
  cargo-graph     v0.3.0     v0.3.0   No
  cargo-outdated  v0.2.0     v0.2.0   No
  identicon       v0.1.1     v0.1.1   No
  racer           v1.2.10    v1.2.10  No
  rustfmt         v0.6.2     v0.6.2   No

  Updating checksums
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading checksums v0.5.2
     Compiling checksums v0.5.2
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 95.2 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\checksums.exe

  Updating treesize
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading treesize v0.2.1
     Compiling treesize v0.2.1
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 76.77 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\treesize.exe

  Updated 2 packages.

cargo install-update racer treesize cargo-cln

Only consider racer, treesize and cargo-cln for updates.
Since cargo-cln is not installed, it'll be ignored.

 Example output:
      Updating registry ``

  Package   Installed  Latest   Needs update
  treesize  v0.2.0     v0.2.1   Yes
  racer     v1.2.10    v1.2.10  No

  Updating treesize
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading treesize v0.2.1
     Compiling treesize v0.2.1
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 76.77 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\treesize.exe

  Updated 1 package.

cargo install-update -al

List all installed packages, don't update any.

Example output:
      Updating registry ``

  Package         Installed  Latest   Needs update
  checksums       v0.5.0     v0.5.2   Yes
  treesize        v0.2.0     v0.2.1   Yes
  cargo-count     v0.2.2     v0.2.2   No
  cargo-graph     v0.3.0     v0.3.0   No
  cargo-outdated  v0.2.0     v0.2.0   No
  identicon       v0.1.1     v0.1.1   No
  racer           v1.2.10    v1.2.10  No
  rustfmt         v0.6.2     v0.6.2   No

cargo install-update -af

Update all installed packages.
Example output:
      Updating registry ``

  Package   Installed  Latest   Needs update
  treesize  v0.2.0     v0.2.1   Yes
  racer     v1.2.10    v1.2.10  No

  Updating racer
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading racer v1.2.10
     Compiling racer v1.2.10
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 51.43 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\racer.exe

  Updating clippy
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading clippy v0.0.99
     Compiling clippy v0.0.99
  error: failed to compile `clippy v0.0.99`

  Updating treesize
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading treesize v0.2.1
     Compiling treesize v0.2.1
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 76.77 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\treesize.exe

  Updating clippy_lints
      Updating registry ``
  error: specified package has no binaries

  Updated 2 packages.
  Failed to update clippy, clippy_lints.

cargo install-update -i checksums rustfmt treesize

Install specified packages, their installation status notwithstanding

Example output:
      Updating registry ``

  Package    Installed  Latest   Needs update
  checksums             v0.5.2   Yes
  treesize   v0.2.0     v0.2.1   Yes
  rustfmt    v0.6.2     v0.6.2   No

  Installing checksums
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading checksums v0.5.2
     Compiling checksums v0.5.2
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 95.2 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\checksums.exe

  Updating treesize
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading treesize v0.2.1
     Compiling treesize v0.2.1
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 76.77 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\treesize.exe

  Updated 2 packages.

cargo install-update -i (file:///usr/local/share/cargo):zram-generator:0.1.1

Install zram-generator from a local repository in /usr/local/share/cargo
(but a remote one or a short name will work just as well), at most version 0.1.1.

 Example output:
      Updating registry `file:///usr/local/share/cargo`

  Package         Installed  Latest   Needs update
  zram-generator             v0.1.1   Yes

  Installing zram-generator
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading zram-generator v0.1.1
     Compiling zram-generator v0.1.1
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 21.62 secs
    Installing /home/nabijaczleweli/.cargo/bin/zram-generator
     Installed package `zram-generator v0.1.1` (executable `zram-generator`)

  Updated 1 package.

cargo install-update -ag

Update all installed packages, including ones from git.

Example output:
      Updating registry ``

  Package         Installed  Latest   Needs update
  checksums       v0.5.0     v0.5.2   Yes
  cargo-count     v0.2.2     v0.2.2   No

  Updating checksums
      Updating registry ``
     Downloading checksums v0.5.2
     Compiling checksums v0.5.2
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 95.2 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\checksums.exe

  Updated 1 package.

  Package                Installed  Latest   Needs update
  alacritty              eb231b3    5f78857  Yes
  chattium-oxide-client  108a7b9    108a7b9  No

  Updating alacritty from
      Updating git repository ``
     Installing alacritty v0.1.0 (
     Compiling alacritty v0.1.0
      Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 127.6 secs
     Replacing D:\Users\nabijaczleweli\.cargo\bin\alacritty.exe

  Updated 1 package.


  • Main functions doing actual work.


  • Representation of the config application’s all configurable values.
  • Representation of the application’s all configurable values.