Struct canteen::Canteen [] [src]

pub struct Canteen {
    // some fields omitted

The primary struct provided by the library. The aim is to have a similar interface to Flask, the Python microframework.


impl Canteen

Creates a new Canteen instance.


let cnt = Canteen::new(("", 8080));

Adds a new route definition to be handled by Canteen.


fn handler(_: &Request) -> Response {
    utils::make_response("<b>Hello, world!</b>", "text/html", 200)

fn main() {
    let cnt = Canteen::new(("", 8080));
    cnt.add_route("/hello", &[Request::Get], handler);

Defines a default route for undefined paths.


let cnt = Canteen::new(("", 8080));

Creates the listener and starts a Canteen server's event loop.


let cnt = Canteen::new(("", 8080));

Trait Implementations

impl Handler for Canteen

Invoked when the socket represented by token is ready to be operated on. events indicates the specific operations that are ready to be performed. Read more

Invoked when a message has been received via the event loop's channel.

Invoked when a timeout has completed.

Invoked when EventLoop has been interrupted by a signal interrupt.

Invoked at the end of an event loop tick.