pub trait IntrinsicParameters<R>: Debug + Clonewhere
    R: RealField,{
    type BundleType;

    // Required methods
    fn pixel_to_camera<IN, NPTS>(
        pixels: &Pixels<R, NPTS, IN>
    ) -> RayBundle<CameraFrame, Self::BundleType, R, NPTS, Owned<R, NPTS, U3>>
       where Self::BundleType: Bundle<R>,
             IN: Storage<R, NPTS, U2>,
             NPTS: Dim,
             DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R, U1, U2> + Allocator<R, NPTS, U2> + Allocator<R, NPTS, U3>;
    fn camera_to_pixel<IN, NPTS>(
        camera: &Points<CameraFrame, R, NPTS, IN>
    ) -> Pixels<R, NPTS, Owned<R, NPTS, U2>>
       where IN: Storage<R, NPTS, U3>,
             NPTS: Dim,
             DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R, NPTS, U2>;
Expand description

A geometric model of camera coordinates to pixels (and vice versa).

Required Associated Types§


type BundleType

What type of ray bundle is returned when projecting pixels to rays.

Required Methods§


fn pixel_to_camera<IN, NPTS>( &self, pixels: &Pixels<R, NPTS, IN> ) -> RayBundle<CameraFrame, Self::BundleType, R, NPTS, Owned<R, NPTS, U3>>where Self::BundleType: Bundle<R>, IN: Storage<R, NPTS, U2>, NPTS: Dim, DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R, U1, U2> + Allocator<R, NPTS, U2> + Allocator<R, NPTS, U3>,

project pixels to camera coords


fn camera_to_pixel<IN, NPTS>( &self, camera: &Points<CameraFrame, R, NPTS, IN> ) -> Pixels<R, NPTS, Owned<R, NPTS, U2>>where IN: Storage<R, NPTS, U3>, NPTS: Dim, DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R, NPTS, U2>,

project camera coords to pixel coordinates
