Crate caffe2op_softmax

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  • | Combined Softmax and Cross-Entropy | loss operator. The operator first computes | the softmax normalized values for each | layer in the batch of the given input, | then computes cross-entropy loss. | | This operator is numerically more stable | than separate Softmax and CrossEntropy | ops. The inputs are a 2-D tensor logits | of size (batch_size x input_feature_dimensions), | which represents the unscaled log probabilities, | and a 1-dimensional integer labels | tensor for ground truth. | | An optional third input blob (weight_tensor) | can be used to weight the samples for | the loss, which is useful if the training | set is unbalanced. | | This operator outputs a softmax tensor | which contains the probability for | each label for each example (same shape | is logits input), and a scalar loss | value, which is the averaged cross-entropy | loss between the softmax probabilities | and the ground truth values. Use parameter | label_prob=1 to enable inputting | labels as a probability distribution. | | Softmax cross-entropy loss function: | | $$loss(x, class) = -\log{\biggl(\frac{\exp(x[class])}{\sum_{j} | \exp(x[j])}\biggr)} = -x[class] + | \log{\biggl(\sum_{j} \exp(x[j])\biggr)}$$ | | or if the weight_tensor has been passed: | | $$loss(x, class) = weight[class]\biggl(-x[class] | + \log{\biggl(\sum_{j} \exp(x[j])\biggr)}\biggr)$$ | | The logits input does not need to explicitly | be a 2D vector; rather, it will be coerced | into one. For an arbitrary n-dimensional | tensor X in $[a_0, a_1, …, a_{k-1}, | a_k, …, a_{n-1}]$, where k is the axis | provided, then X will be coerced into | a 2-dimensional tensor with dimensions | $[(a_0 … * a_{k-1}), (a_k * … * a_{n-1})]$. | For the default case where axis=1, | the X tensor will be coerced into a | 2D tensor of dimensions $[a_0, (a_1 | * … * a_{n-1})]$, where $a_0$ is often | the batch size. In this situation, we | must have $a_0 = N$ and $a_1 * … * a_{n-1} | = D$. Each of these dimensions must be | matched correctly, or else the operator | will throw errors. | | Github Links: | | - |

