Crate caffe2op_prelu

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  • | PReluGradient takes both Y and dY and | uses this to update dX and dW according | to the chain rule and derivatives of | the rectified linear function. |
  • | The PRelu op takes input data tensor | $X$, an input slope tensor $slope$, | and produces one output tensor $Y$ of | the same shape as $X.$ The op performs | the element wise PRelu operation, | defined as | | $$y=prelu(x) =\begin{cases}slope | * x & x < 0\x & otherwise\end{cases}$$ | | Note, is slope is size 1, the value is | shared across the channels, otherwise | $X$ and $slope$ must be the same shape. | See Delving Deep into Rectifiers: | Surpassing Human-Level Performance | on | | ImageNet Classification | for more information. | | Github Links: | | - | - |