| The data blocks processed by the
| SIMD instructions (e.g. SSE2),
| which must always be before any
| other variables in the class, in
| order to be properly aligned to 16
| bytes.
| The data blocks processed by the
| SIMD instructions (e.g. SSE2),
| which must always be before any
| other variables in the class, in
| order to be properly aligned to 16
| bytes.
| The data blocks processed by the
| SIMD instructions (e.g. SSE2),
| which must always be before any
| other variables in the class, in
| order to be properly aligned to 16
| bytes.
| The data blocks processed by the
| SIMD instructions (e.g. SSE2),
| which must always be before any
| other variables in the class, in
| order to be properly aligned to 16
| bytes.
| The data blocks processed by the
| SIMD instructions (e.g. SSE2),
| which must always be before any
| other variables in the class, in
| order to be properly aligned to 16
| bytes.
| Identification of an Intel CPU.
| Supports CPUID feature flags (EAX=1)
| and extended features (EAX=7, ECX=0).
| Values from http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/processor-identification-cpuid-instruction-note.html
| Utility class for quickly calculating
| quotients and remainders for a known integer
| divisor
| Works for any positive divisor, 1 to
| INT_MAX. One 64-bit multiplication and one
| 64-bit shift is used to calculate the result.