List of all items
- AxpyImpl
- BroadcastGPUTest
- BroadcastTest
- DefaultEngine
- GemmBatchedGPUTest
- GemmBatchedTest
- HalfAddFunctor
- HalfDivFunctor
- HalfMulFunctor
- HalfSubFunctor
- RandFixedSumTest
- ScaleImpl
- TypeMetaCopy
- caffe2_rand_fixed_sum
- caffe2_rand_synthetic_data
- caffe2_rand_uniform_char
- caffe2_rand_uniform_int
- caffe2_rand_uniform_real
- caffe2_specialized_affine_channel
- caffe2_specialized_axpby
- caffe2_specialized_broadcast
- caffe2_specialized_cbrt
- caffe2_specialized_cdf_norm
- caffe2_specialized_colwisemax
- caffe2_specialized_compute_broadcast_binary_op_dims
- caffe2_specialized_compute_transposed_strides
- caffe2_specialized_copyvector
- caffe2_specialized_cosh
- caffe2_specialized_cpu_add_striped_batch
- caffe2_specialized_dot
- caffe2_specialized_erf
- caffe2_specialized_get_index_from_dims
- caffe2_specialized_increase_index_in_dims
- caffe2_specialized_inv_std
- caffe2_specialized_maximum
- caffe2_specialized_moments
- caffe2_specialized_nchw2nhwc
- caffe2_specialized_neg
- caffe2_specialized_nhwc2nchw
- caffe2_specialized_powx
- caffe2_specialized_rand_uniform_unique
- caffe2_specialized_rowwisemax
- caffe2_specialized_scale
- caffe2_specialized_set
- caffe2_specialized_sincos
- caffe2_specialized_sinh
- caffe2_specialized_sum
- caffe2_specialized_transpose
- declare_binary_op
- declare_compare_op
- define_2d_broadcast_1st_div_function
- define_2d_broadcast_bitwise_binary_function
- define_2d_compare_function
- define_broadcast_binary_function
- define_broadcast_bitwise_binary_function
- define_broadcast_compare_function
- define_eigen_2d_broadcast_binary_function
- define_eigen_2d_broadcast_div_function
- define_eigen_2d_broadcast_sub_function
- delegate_2d_broadcast_binary_function
- delegate_axpy
- delegate_broadcast_binary_function
- delegate_colwise_reduce_function
- delegate_eigen_2d_broadcast_1st_binary_function
- delegate_eigen_2d_broadcast_2nd_binary_function
- delegate_eigen_2d_broadcast_binary_function
- delegate_global_reduce_function
- delegate_reduce_function
- delegate_rowwise_reduce_function
- delegate_scale
- delegate_simple_binary_function_by_eigen_function
- delegate_simple_binary_function_by_eigen_operator
- delegate_simple_binary_function_by_std_function
- delegate_simple_compare_function_by_eigen_operator
- delegate_simple_unary_function
- abs
- acos
- add
- add_striped_batch
- affine_channel
- and
- asin
- atan
- axpby
- axpy
- axpy_fixed_size
- axpy_with_alpha_as_ptr
- biasCHW
- bias_chwf32cpu_context
- bitwise_and
- bitwise_or
- bitwise_xor
- both_ends_moments
- both_ends_reduceL1
- both_ends_reduceL2
- both_ends_reduce_max
- both_ends_reduce_mean
- both_ends_reduce_min
- both_ends_reduce_sum
- broadcast
- broadcast_binary_op_impl
- broadcast_impl
- cbrt
- cdf_norm
- check_reduce_dims
- col_2im
- col_2im3d_nhwcimpl
- col_2im_f32cpu_contextNCHW
- col_2im_f32cpu_contextNHWC
- col_2im_nd
- col_2im_nd_f32cpu_contextNCHW
- col_2im_nd_f32cpu_contextNHWC
- col_2im_zero_padding_and_no_dilationNCHW
- col_2im_zero_padding_and_no_dilationNHWC
- colwise_binary_op
- colwise_max
- colwise_moments
- colwise_reduceL1
- colwise_reduceL2
- colwise_reduce_mean
- compute_transpose_axes_for_reduce_op
- compute_transpose_axes_for_reduce_op_with_reduce_axes
- copy_matrix
- copy_matrix_cpu_context
- copy_matrix_strided
- copy_matrix_with_item_size
- copy_vector
- cos
- cosh
- div
- div_up
- dot
- eQ
- erf
- execute_gpu_binary_op_test
- exp
- gE
- gT
- gemm
- gemm_batched
- gemm_batched_f32cpu_context
- gemm_ex
- gemm_ex_f32cpu_context
- gemm_f32cpu_context
- gemm_strided_batched
- gemm_strided_batched_f32cpu_context
- gemv
- gemv_f32cpu_context
- generate_stack_distance
- generate_trace_lru
- im_2col
- im_2col3d_nchwimpl
- im_2col3d_nhwcimpl
- im_2col_f32cpu_contextNCHW
- im_2col_f32cpu_contextNHWC
- im_2col_nd
- im_2col_nd_f32cpu_contextNCHW
- im_2col_nd_f32cpu_contextNHWC
- im_2col_nd_nchwimpl
- im_2col_zero_padding_and_no_dilationNCHW
- im_2col_zero_padding_and_no_dilationNHWC
- increment_if_not_max
- integer_log2
- integer_next_highest_power_of2
- inv_std
- is_age_zero_and_altB
- is_batch_transpose2D
- is_both_ends_broadcast_binary_op
- is_both_ends_reduce
- is_colwise_broadcast_binary_op
- is_colwise_reduce
- is_identity_permutation
- is_rowwise_broadcast_binary_op
- is_rowwise_reduce
- lE
- lT
- log
- log1p
- max
- maximum
- min
- moments
- moments_impl
- mul
- nE
- neg
- negate
- not_bool_cpu_context
- or
- powx
- rand_fixed_sum
- rand_gaussian
- rand_gaussian_f32cpu_context
- rand_synthetic_data
- rand_uniform
- rand_uniform_unique
- reduceL1
- reduceL2
- reduce_l1impl
- reduce_l2impl
- reduce_max
- reduce_max_impl
- reduce_max_with_alpha
- reduce_mean
- reduce_mean_impl
- reduce_min
- reduce_min_impl
- reduce_min_with_alpha
- reduce_sum
- reduce_sum_impl
- reduce_tensor_impl
- round_up
- rowwise_binary_op
- rowwise_max
- rowwise_moments
- rsqrt
- scale
- scale_fixed_size
- scale_with_alpha_from_pointer
- select
- select_f32cpu_context
- set
- sin
- sin_cos
- sinh
- sqr
- sqrt
- square
- sub
- sum
- sum_sqr
- sum_sqr_f32cpu_context
- sum_sqr_f64cpu_context
- tan
- tanh
- transpose
- transpose2D
- transposeND
- transpose_impl
- xor