Trait bytecodec::EncodeExt [] [src]

pub trait EncodeExt: Encode + Sized {
    fn with_item(item: Self::Item) -> Result<Self>
        Self: Default
, { ... }
fn map_err<F, E>(self, f: F) -> MapErr<Self, F, E>
        F: Fn(Error) -> E,
        Error: From<E>
, { ... }
fn map_from<T, F>(self, f: F) -> MapFrom<Self, T, F>
        F: Fn(T) -> Self::Item
, { ... }
fn try_map_from<T, E, F>(self, f: F) -> TryMapFrom<Self, T, E, F>
        F: Fn(T) -> Result<Self::Item, E>,
        Error: From<E>
, { ... }
fn chain<E: Encode>(self, other: E) -> EncoderChain<Self, E, Self::Item> { ... }
fn optional(self) -> Optional<Self> { ... }
fn max_bytes(self, n: u64) -> MaxBytes<Self> { ... }
fn length(self, n: u64) -> Length<Self> { ... }
fn padding(self, padding_byte: u8) -> Padding<Self> { ... }
fn repeat<I>(self) -> Repeat<Self, I>
        I: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>
, { ... }
fn with_prefix<E, F>(self, prefix: E, f: F) -> WithPrefix<Self, E, F>
        F: Fn(&Self) -> E::Item,
        E: Encode
, { ... }
fn pre_encode(self) -> PreEncode<Self> { ... }
fn slice(self) -> Slice<Self> { ... } }

An extension of Encode trait.

Provided Methods

Creates a new encoder instance that has the given initial item.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt};
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = U8Encoder::with_item(7).unwrap();
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, [7]);

Creates an encoder for modifying encoding errors produced by self.


The following code shows the idiomatic way to track encoding errors:

extern crate bytecodec;
extern crate trackable;

use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, Eos};
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;

let encoder = U8Encoder::with_item(7).unwrap();
let mut encoder = encoder.map_err(|e| track!(e, "oops!")); // or track_err!(encoder, "oops!")
let error = track!(encoder.encode(&mut [][..], Eos::new(true))).err().unwrap();

assert_eq!(error.to_string(), "\
UnexpectedEos (cause; assertion failed: `!eos.is_reached()`; \
               buf.len()=0, size=0, self.offset=0, b.as_ref().len()=1)
  [0] at src/
  [1] at src/
  [2] at src/ -- oops!
  [3] at src/\n");

Creates an encoder that converts items into ones that suited to the self encoder by calling the given function.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt};
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = U8Encoder::new().map_from(|s: String| s.len() as u8);
let item = "Hello World!".to_owned();
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, [12]);

Creates an encoder that tries to convert items into ones that suited to the self encoder by calling the given function.


extern crate bytecodec;
extern crate trackable;

use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, ErrorKind, Result};
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = U8Encoder::new().try_map_from(|s: String| -> Result<_> {
    track_assert!(s.len() <= 0xFF, ErrorKind::InvalidInput);
    Ok(s.len() as u8)
let item = "Hello World!".to_owned();
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, [12]);

Takes two encoders and creates a new encoder that encodes both items in sequence.

Chains are started by calling StartEncoderChain::chain method.


Encodes a length-prefixed UTF-8 string:

use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, StartEncoderChain};
use bytecodec::bytes::Utf8Encoder;
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = StartEncoderChain
    .map_from(|s: String| (s.len() as u8, s));
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, b"\x03foo");

Creates an encoder that represents an optional encoder.

It takes Option<Self::Item> items. If Some(_) is passed as an argument for start_encoding method, it will be encoded as ordinally. On the other hand, if None is passed, it will be ignored completely.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt};
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = U8Encoder::new().optional();

encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();

encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();

assert_eq!(output, [9]);

Creates an encoder that will fail if the number of encoded bytes of an item exceeds n.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, ErrorKind};
use bytecodec::bytes::Utf8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = Utf8Encoder::new().max_bytes(3);

encoder.start_encoding("foo").unwrap(); // OK
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, b"foo");

encoder.start_encoding("hello").unwrap(); // Error
let error = encoder.encode_all(&mut output).err().unwrap();
assert_eq!(*error.kind(), ErrorKind::InvalidInput);

Creates an encoder that required to encode each item exactly at the specified number of bytes.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, ErrorKind};
use bytecodec::bytes::Utf8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = Utf8Encoder::new().length(3);
encoder.start_encoding("hey").unwrap(); // OK
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, b"hey");

let mut encoder = Utf8Encoder::new().length(3);
encoder.start_encoding("hello").unwrap(); // Error (too long)
let error = encoder.encode_all(&mut output).err().unwrap();
assert_eq!(*error.kind(), ErrorKind::UnexpectedEos);

let mut encoder = Utf8Encoder::new().length(3);
encoder.start_encoding("hi").unwrap(); // Error (too short)
let error = encoder.encode_all(&mut output).err().unwrap();
assert_eq!(*error.kind(), ErrorKind::InvalidInput);

Creates an encoder that keeps writing padding byte until it reaches EOS after encoding of self's item has been completed.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, ErrorKind};
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = U8Encoder::new().padding(9).length(3);
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, [3, 9, 9]);

Creates an encoder that repeats encoding of Self::Item.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, ErrorKind};
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder = U8Encoder::new().repeat();
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, [0, 1, 2, 3]);

Creates an encoder that has a prefixed item encoded by E.


Encodes a length prefixed UTF-8 string:

use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, ExactBytesEncode};
use bytecodec::bytes::Utf8Encoder;
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder =
    Utf8Encoder::new().with_prefix(U8Encoder::new(), |body| body.exact_requiring_bytes() as u8);
encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, [3, b'f', b'o', b'o']);

Creates an encoder that pre-encodes items when start_encoding method is called.

Although the number of memory copies increases, pre-encoding will enable to acquire the exact size of encoded items.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, ExactBytesEncode};
use bytecodec::fixnum::U8Encoder;
use bytecodec::io::IoEncodeExt;

let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut encoder =
        .with_prefix(U8Encoder::new(), |body| body.exact_requiring_bytes() as u8);

encoder.encode_all(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, [3, 0, 1, 2]);

Creates an encoder that makes it possible to slice the encoded byte sequence in arbitrary units.

Slicing encoded byte sequences makes it easier to multiplex them into a single sequence.


use bytecodec::{Encode, EncodeExt, Eos};
use bytecodec::bytes::Utf8Encoder;

let mut encoder = Utf8Encoder::new().slice();

let eos = Eos::new(true);
let mut output = [0; 9];
let mut offset = 0;

offset += encoder.encode(&mut output[offset..], eos).unwrap();
assert_eq!(offset, 3);
assert_eq!(encoder.is_idle(), false);
assert_eq!(encoder.consumable_bytes(), 0);

offset += encoder.encode(&mut output[offset..], eos).unwrap();
assert_eq!(offset, 3);

offset += encoder.encode(&mut output[offset..], eos).unwrap();
assert_eq!(offset, 9);
assert_eq!(encoder.is_idle(), true);
assert_eq!(output.as_ref(), b"foobarbaz");
