[][src]Trait building_blocks_storage::access::WriteExtent

pub trait WriteExtent<N, Src> {
    fn write_extent(&mut self, extent: &ExtentN<N>, src: Src);

A trait to facilitate the generic implementation of copy_extent.

Required methods

fn write_extent(&mut self, extent: &ExtentN<N>, src: Src)

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impl<'a, N, F, T: 'a + Clone> WriteExtent<N, F> for ArrayN<N, T> where
    F: Fn(&PointN<N>) -> T,
    PointN<N>: IntegerPoint,
    ExtentN<N>: IntegerExtent<N>,
    ArrayN<N, T>: ForEachMut<N, PointN<N>, Data = T>, 

impl<'a, N, T> WriteExtent<N, ArrayCopySrc<&'a ArrayN<N, T>>> for ArrayN<N, T> where
    Self: Array<N> + GetUncheckedRelease<Stride, T>,
    T: Clone,
    PointN<N>: IntegerPoint,
    ExtentN<N>: Copy

impl<'a, N, T, M, F> WriteExtent<N, ArrayCopySrc<TransformMap<'a, M, F>>> for ArrayN<N, T> where
    Self: Array<N>,
    T: Clone,
    TransformMap<'a, M, F>: Array<N> + GetUncheckedRelease<Stride, T>,
    PointN<N>: IntegerPoint,
    ExtentN<N>: Copy

impl<'a, N, T, M, Src> WriteExtent<N, Src> for ChunkMap<N, T, M> where
    T: Copy,
    M: Clone,
    Src: Copy,
    PointN<N>: Point + Eq + Hash,
    ExtentN<N>: IntegerExtent<N>,
    ArrayN<N, T>: WriteExtent<N, Src>, 

impl<M, N, T> WriteExtent<N, Either<ArrayCopySrc<M>, AmbientExtent<N, T>>> for ArrayN<N, T> where
    T: Clone,
    Self: Array<N> + WriteExtent<N, ArrayCopySrc<M>>,
    ExtentN<N>: Copy

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