Expand description

The most basic usage for build_script.


99% of the time, all of the public functions in this crate can suffice.


Wrapper for cargo:KEY=VALUE. This is metadata, used by links scripts.

Wrapper for cargo:rerun-if-changed=PATH. This tells Cargo when to rerun the script.

Wrapper for cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=VAR. This tells Cargo when to rerun the script.

Wrapper for cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg=FLAG. This passes custom flags to a linker for cdylib crates.

Wrapper for cargo:rustc-cfg=KEY[="VALUE"]. This enable compile-time cfg settings.

cargo_rustc_cfg(), but with the value parameter needed.

Wrapper for cargo:rustc-env=VAR=VALUE. This sets an environment variable.

Wrapper for cargo:rustc-flags=FLAGS. This passes certain flags to the compiler.

Wrapper for cargo:rustc-link-lib=[KIND=]NAME. This adds a library to link.

cargo_rustc_link_lib(), but with the kind parameter needed.

Wrapper for cargo:rustc-link-search=[KIND=]PATH. This adds to the library search path.

cargo_rustc_link_search(), but with the kind parameter needed.

Wrapper for cargo:warning=MESSAGE. This displays a warning on the terminal.