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BtBencode is a library which can help with Bencode encoding/decoding. Bencode is primarily used in BitTorrent related applications.

It uses the Serde library to serialize and deserialize Bencode data. It is similar to Serde JSON in terms of functionality and implementation.



An example serializing a standard Rust collection type and then deserializing into a custom type:

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;

let mut dict: BTreeMap<String, String> = BTreeMap::new();
dict.insert(String::from("url"), String::from("https://example.com/"));

let serialized_bytes = bt_bencode::to_vec(&dict)?;

struct Info<'a> {
    url: &'a str,

let info: Info = bt_bencode::from_slice(&serialized_bytes)?;
assert_eq!(info.url, "https://example.com/");

An example deserializing from a slice of bytes into a general Value representation and then from the Value instance into a more strongly typed data structure.

use serde_derive::{Serialize, Deserialize};

use bt_bencode::Value;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Info {
    t: String,
    url: String,

let serialized_bytes = bt_bencode::to_vec(&Info {
    t: String::from("query"),
    url: String::from("https://example.com/"),

let value: Value = bt_bencode::from_slice(&serialized_bytes)?;
assert_eq!(value["t"].as_str().unwrap(), "query");
    value.get("url").and_then(|url| url.as_str()).unwrap(),

let info: Info = bt_bencode::from_value(value)?;
assert_eq!(info.t, "query");
assert_eq!(info.url, "https://example.com/");


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT License at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


Read trait and helpers to read bytes for the deserializer.

Represents valid Bencode data.

Write trait and helpers to write bytes for the serializer.


A Bencode Deserializer for types which implement Deserialize.

Errors during serialization and deserialization.

A Bencode Serializer for types which implement Serialize.


All possible crate errors.

Represents a valid Bencode value.


Deserializes an instance of T from the bytes of an io::Read type.

Deserializes an instance of T from a slice of bytes.

Deserializes an instance of T from a Value.

Serializes an instance of T into a Value.

Serializes an instance of T into a new Vec as Bencode data.

Serializes an instance of T into the writer W as Bencode data.

Type Definitions

Alias for a Result with a bt_bencode::Error error type.