Crate break_infinity[][src]



A struct representing a decimal number, which can reach a maximum of 1e1.79e308 instead of f64’s maximum of 1.79e308.


The length of the cache used for powers of 10.

The largest exponent that can appear in an f64, though not all mantissas are valid here.

The smallest exponent that can appear in an f64, though not all mantissas are valid here.

Tolerance which is used for f64 conversion to compensate for floating-point error.


If you’re willing to spend ‘resourcesAvailable’ and want to buy something with additively increasing cost each purchase (start at priceStart, add by priceAdd, already own currentOwned), how much of it can you buy?

If you’re willing to spend ‘resourcesAvailable’ and want to buy something with exponentially increasing cost each purchase (start at priceStart, multiply by priceRatio, already own currentOwned), how much of it can you buy?

When comparing two purchases that cost (resource) and increase your resource/sec by (deltaRpS), the lowest efficiency score is the better one to purchase.

Creates a new instance of Decimal with the given mantissa and exponent with normalizing them.

Creates a new instance of Decimal with the given mantissa and exponent without normalizing them.

Pads the given string with the fill string to the given max length.

How much resource would it cost to buy (numItems) items if you already have currentOwned, the initial price is priceStart and it adds priceAdd each purchase? Adapted from

How much resource would it cost to buy (numItems) items if you already have currentOwned, the initial price is priceStart and it multiplies by priceRatio each purchase?

Formats the given number to the given number of significant digits.

Formats the given number to the given number of significant digits and parses it back to a number.