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Basic Usage of breadx

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Let’s create a simple application using breadx. I’ll explain each of the pieces along the way.

Application Setup

First, let’s just create a simple application that depends on breadx.

TODO: application setup once breadx is on crates.io

You should see a main.rs file. This is the entry point for your application. It’s a good place to put your main logic.

Connect to the Server

The first thing you do is connect to the X11 server. You can use the DisplayConnection::connect() method, which connects to the server.

use breadx::{display::DisplayConnection, Result};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut connection = DisplayConnection::connect(None)?;

For those unfamiliar with Rust, I’ll go into each part of the program:

  • use breadx::{...} imports the DisplayConnection and Result types from the breadx crate.
  • fn main() -> Result<()> defines the main function, which is the entry point for the application. It returns Result, which is a sum type consisting of the success state (Ok) and the failure state (Err).
  • let mut connection = ... defines the connection variable, makes it a mutable variable, and initializes it to the result of the following expression.
  • DisplayConnection::connect(...) creates a new DisplayConnection that is connected to the currently running X11 server. It opens a TCP or Unix connection, preforms the initial setup handshake, and then returns a type that can be used to communicate with the X11 server.
  • None is a version of another sum type, Option. In this case, it is a parameter passed to DisplayConnection::connect(). The first parameter of the function indicates the display name to be used, which determines what X11 server to connect to. In this case, None indicates to use the display name contained in the DISPLAY environment variable.
  • The ? at the end is syntactic sugar. connect() returns a Result, and if it is Err, the ? operator will cause main() to return the error early.
  • Ok(()) at the end is used to tell the function to return the success status, since we made it through all right. The () is the empty tuple, which is often used in Rust to express that we have no data.

To summarize, all this does is open the connection to the X11 server, and then immediately closes it. That won’t do. How about we do something with it?

Create a Window

Let’s send our first request. There’s pretty much nothing better we can do than create a window at this point.

There are a few things we have to take care of first. We need to determine the “parent” of the window, or the window that it’s inside of. We’ll go more in depth as to what exactly a window is earlier, but you should know that the actual screen can be used as a parent.

use breadx::{display::DisplayConnection, prelude::*, protocol::xproto, Result};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut connection = DisplayConnection::connect(None)?;
    let parent = connection.default_screen().root;

Some things to take note of:

  • Note that we are now importing the prelude, which contains certain traits to enhance the functionality of the DisplayConnection type.
  • We also import the xproto module, which contains some useful types that we’ll use later.
  • We set parent to the value of root of connection.default_screen(), which returns the screen we’re assigned to use by default.

Now that everything is in place, we can create the window.

use breadx::{display::DisplayConnection, prelude::*, protocol::xproto, Result};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // snip existing code     

    let wid = connection.generate_xid()?;
    let window = connection.create_window(
        0, // depth
        0, // x
        0, // y
        600, // width
        400, // height
        0, // border width
        0, // visual class


First, using the generate_xid() function, we generate a unique XID. This is a value that the client and server will share to identify resources. XIDs aren’t just unique to the process, they’re unique across the entire system. This means that you can use XIDs that originate in other processes, and they will still be unique.

Then, we call the create_window() function. This function takes the following parameters:

  • The depth of the window. This is the number of bits per pixel. Setting it to 0 means that the window will use the depth of its parent.
  • The window ID. This is the value that the client and server will share to identify the window.
  • The parent window. This is the window that the new window will be inside of. Remember that parent refers to the screen.
  • The x and y coordinates of the window.
  • The width and height of the window.
  • The border width. This is the width of the border around the window. However, you don’t actually have a border around a top-level window, so this value doesn’t really matter.
  • The window class, which determines whether the window is an “input only” window or an “input-output” window. The distinction isn’t important for this example, so we just copy it from the parent.
  • The visual class defines certain properties of the window, like the range of colors that are available. 0 once again indicates that we need to inherit from the parent.
  • CreateWindowAux is used to contain properties that are not strictly necessary for creating a window, but are still useful. In this case, we don’t need to specify any properties, so we just use the default constructor.

If you run this code, you’ll notice that nothing happens. You see, while the window is created, it’s not actually visible. We need to tell the server to actually show the window.