Expand description

Bindings to the Input X11 extension.




Opcode for the AllowDeviceEvents request

Opcode for the BarrierHit event

Opcode for the BarrierLeave event

Opcode for the ButtonPress event

Opcode for the ButtonRelease event

Opcode for the ChangeDeviceControl request

Opcode for the ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList request

Opcode for the ChangeDeviceKeyMapping request

Opcode for the ChangeDeviceNotify event

Opcode for the ChangeDeviceProperty request

Opcode for the ChangeFeedbackControl request

Opcode for the ChangeKeyboardDevice request

Opcode for the ChangePointerDevice request

Opcode for the Class error

Opcode for the CloseDevice request

Opcode for the DeleteDeviceProperty request

Opcode for the DeviceBell request

Opcode for the DeviceBusy error

Opcode for the DeviceButtonPress event

Opcode for the DeviceButtonRelease event

Opcode for the DeviceButtonStateNotify event

Opcode for the DeviceChanged event

Opcode for the Device error

Opcode for the DeviceFocusIn event

Opcode for the DeviceFocusOut event

Opcode for the DeviceKeyPress event

Opcode for the DeviceKeyRelease event

Opcode for the DeviceKeyStateNotify event

Opcode for the DeviceMappingNotify event

Opcode for the DeviceMotionNotify event

Opcode for the DevicePresenceNotify event

Opcode for the DevicePropertyNotify event

Opcode for the DeviceStateNotify event

Opcode for the DeviceValuator event

Opcode for the Enter event

Opcode for the Event error

Opcode for the FocusIn event

Opcode for the FocusOut event

Opcode for the GetDeviceButtonMapping request

Opcode for the GetDeviceControl request

Opcode for the GetDeviceDontPropagateList request

Opcode for the GetDeviceFocus request

Opcode for the GetDeviceKeyMapping request

Opcode for the GetDeviceModifierMapping request

Opcode for the GetDeviceMotionEvents request

Opcode for the GetDeviceProperty request

Opcode for the GetExtensionVersion request

Opcode for the GetFeedbackControl request

Opcode for the GetSelectedExtensionEvents request

Opcode for the GrabDeviceButton request

Opcode for the GrabDeviceKey request

Opcode for the GrabDevice request

Opcode for the Hierarchy event

Opcode for the KeyPress event

Opcode for the KeyRelease event

Opcode for the Leave event

Opcode for the ListDeviceProperties request

Opcode for the ListInputDevices request

Opcode for the Mode error

Opcode for the Motion event

Opcode for the OpenDevice request

Opcode for the Property event

Opcode for the ProximityIn event

Opcode for the ProximityOut event

Opcode for the QueryDeviceState request

Opcode for the RawButtonPress event

Opcode for the RawButtonRelease event

Opcode for the RawKeyPress event

Opcode for the RawKeyRelease event

Opcode for the RawMotion event

Opcode for the RawTouchBegin event

Opcode for the RawTouchEnd event

Opcode for the RawTouchUpdate event

Opcode for the SelectExtensionEvent request

Opcode for the SendExtensionEvent request

Opcode for the SetDeviceButtonMapping request

Opcode for the SetDeviceFocus request

Opcode for the SetDeviceMode request

Opcode for the SetDeviceModifierMapping request

Opcode for the SetDeviceValuators request

Opcode for the TouchBegin event

Opcode for the TouchEnd event

Opcode for the TouchOwnership event

Opcode for the TouchUpdate event

Opcode for the UngrabDeviceButton request

Opcode for the UngrabDeviceKey request

Opcode for the UngrabDevice request

The X11 name of the extension for QueryExtension

The version number of this extension that this client library supports.

Opcode for the XIAllowEvents request

Opcode for the XIBarrierReleasePointer request

Opcode for the XIChangeCursor request

Opcode for the XIChangeHierarchy request

Opcode for the XIChangeProperty request

Opcode for the XIDeleteProperty request

Opcode for the XIGetClientPointer request

Opcode for the XIGetFocus request

Opcode for the XIGetProperty request

Opcode for the XIGetSelectedEvents request

Opcode for the XIGrabDevice request

Opcode for the XIListProperties request

Opcode for the XIPassiveGrabDevice request

Opcode for the XIPassiveUngrabDevice request

Opcode for the XIQueryDevice request

Opcode for the XIQueryPointer request

Opcode for the XIQueryVersion request

Opcode for the XISelectEvents request

Opcode for the XISetClientPointer request

Opcode for the XISetFocus request

Opcode for the XIUngrabDevice request

Opcode for the XIWarpPointer request

Type Definitions