[][src]Module breadx::tutorials::basics

In the last tutorial, we reached an elementary understanding of how the X protocol works. In this tutorial, we'll open a connection to the X server and create a window.

Setting up the Environment

We'll use a basic Rust executable environment to build our examples. First, we create the project folder by running the following command:

$ cargo new --bin example
$ cd example

Then, we configure the Cargo.toml file to automatically download breadx and its dependencies. Under the [dependencies] header in the Cargo.toml file, add:

breadx = "0.1.0"

Writing the Program

With this current setup, anything we write in src/main.rs will be executed whenever the crate is compiled and run. Let's see what we have to do.

The DisplayConnection object is the liason to the X11 server. Not only does it create and manage the connection, it stores information regarding the hardware and server. To create the object, one must call DisplayConnection::create.

In src/main.rs

use breadx::{BreadError, DisplayConnection};

fn main() -> Result<(), BreadError> {
    let mut conn = DisplayConnection::create(None, None)?;


Dissecting `DisplayConnection::create`

Above, we pass in two None parameters to DisplayConnection::create. In most cases, this should work properly. However, it does do some good to know what, exactly, each parameter is doing.

The first parameter is the server name. This is an address pointing to the X11 server that the program should connect to. It has the following format:


The default system server name is stored in the DISPLAY environment variable. On most systems, it should just be :0, representing the first display server. None tells breadx to read from the DISPLAY variable and use that value as the server name. You shouldn't ever have to change this.

The second parameter is the authentication info. TODO: EXPLAIN

Another Perspective on `DisplayConnection`

Shrewd programmers will check the documentation and realize that DisplayConnection is actually a type alias.

type DisplayConnection = Display<NameConnection>;

Display is a general purpose wrapper around any type of connection. This allows X connections to be held across every type of byte stream. Most of the time, programmers will simply use the NameConnection connection, which is a wrapper around TCP Streams or Unix sockets on compatible systems. However, the option remains to run X on any object that implements Connection.

Running this program opens the X connection, then immediately closes it. This isn't that useful. With our connection, we can open a window using the create_simple_window method.

use breadx::{BreadError, DisplayConnection};

fn main() -> Result<(), BreadError> {
    let mut conn = DisplayConnection::create(None, None)?;

    // the root, or parent, refers to the overall screen
    let root = conn.default_root();

    // represents the colors black and white, respectively
    let black = conn.default_black_pixel();
    let white = conn.default_white_pixel();

    // creates a 640x400 window with a black border and a white background
    let window = conn.create_simple_window(root, 0, 0, 640, 400, 0, black, white)?;

    // ensure the window is mapped to the screen. this operation is equivalent to the
    // "show" function in other GUI toolkits
    window.map(&mut conn)?;


Dissecting `Display::create_simple_window`

The create_simple_window method acts as a wrapper around the Display::create_window method, that passes in some defaults that assume values based on the parent window. You may have to use Display::create_window for cases where the visual type or depth of the window won't be the same as its parent.

If you compile and run this program, you will see a window breifly appear on your screen before vanishing in a second. This is because it creates the window, maps the window, but then immediately ends the program. In order to ensure the window persists, you need to create an event loop.

The Event Loop

Event loops should be familiar concept to those who've used GTK+ or Node.js. In X, it's a lot more literal: it's just a loop that reads in events, processes them, and then waits for the next event. To provide an analogy, consider the following Rust program:

use std::{error::Error, io::{prelude::*, stdin, stdout}};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    // hold a lock on Stdin and Stdout for convenience
    let ins = stdin();
    let outs = stdout();
    let mut buffer = String::with_capacity(10);

    loop {
        // write a prompt to the user
        outs.write_all(b"Input your favorite number: ")?;

        // read in user input
        ins.read_line(&mut buffer)?;

        // pop off the newline at the end

        // try to parse it into something we can understand
        // assume that a failed number parse is a sentinel to close
        let input = match buffer.parse::<i32>() {
            Err(_) => {
                break Ok(());
            Ok(input) => input,

        // write interpretation of input to user
        if input & 1 == 0 {
            outs.write_all(b"Number is even.\n")?;
        } else {
            outs.write_all(b"Number is odd.\n")?;

        // loop back around and do it again

This is a relatively standard program that reads in a number from the user, and determines whether it's odd or even. The key point here is that is runs indefinitely; even after just one input, it keeps going.

Now, consider:

  • Replacing the prompt to the user with the creation of the window and the connection, and moving it outside of the loop (we've already done this!).
  • Replacing reading in the user input with reading in the event from the connection.
  • Replacing the parsing of the input with the parsing of the event.
  • Replacing writing the interpretation of the inputs of the user with modifying the window setup.

This, in a nutshell, is the X event loop.

use breadx::{BreadError, DisplayConnection};

fn main() -> Result<(), BreadError> {
    // simplified form of the above
    let mut conn = DisplayConnection::create(None, None)?;
    let window = conn.create_simple_window(

    window.map(&mut conn)?;

    // begin the event loop
    loop {
        let _ev = conn.wait_for_event()?;
        // TODO: do things with the event


You should now see a blank window. Depending on your WM and GUI environment, it may look like this:

Congratulations! You should be able to move it around, resize it, and what have you. It's a bit bare at the moment, however. Let's see if we can fix that.

Adding a window title

The Window::set_title function allows the user to set the window's title.

use breadx::{BreadError, DisplayConnection};

fn main() -> Result<(), BreadError> {
    // simplified form of the above
    let mut conn = DisplayConnection::create(None, None)?;
    let window = conn.create_simple_window(

    // NEW: set the window's title
    window.set_title(&mut conn, "Hello World!")?;

    window.map(&mut conn)?;

    // begin the event loop
    loop {
        let _ev = conn.wait_for_event()?;



You may notice that most functions rely on a mutable reference to the connection. This is because all data coming in and out of the client must go through the connection.

Running this program adds a title to your window:

Setting the exit protocol

At this point, you may have noticed that pressing the "x" button on the window does not close the window. The only way to close it is to kill the process. This is because X predates the concept of a window manager. We have to register the idea of a WM deletion process with the client, and use that to close the program. TODO: explain this better

We do this by registering the WM_DELETE_WINDOW atom and checking for it in every iteration of the event loop.

use breadx::{BreadError, Event, DisplayConnection};

fn main() -> Result<(), BreadError> {
    // simplified form of the above
    let mut conn = DisplayConnection::create(None, None)?;
    let window = conn.create_simple_window(
    window.set_title(&mut conn, "Hello World!")?;
    window.map(&mut conn)?;

    // NEW: intern an atom and set it to the window's WM protocol
    let wm_delete_window = conn
        .intern_atom_immediate("WM_DELETE_WINDOW".to_owned(), false)?;
    window.set_wm_protocols(&mut conn, &[wm_delete_window])?;

    loop {
        let ev = conn.wait_for_event()?;

        // NEW: match the event, see if it's a ClientMessageEvent, and
        // exit the program if it holds the delete window atom
        // interned above
        match ev {
            Event::ClientMessage(cme) => {
                if cme.data.longs()[0] == wm_delete_window.xid {
            _ => (),


Another Perspective on the `_immediate` suffix

You may notice that several functions in this library have alternatives with the _immediate suffix. _immediate means that this function resolves its result immediately, which means it:

1). Sends a request to the server.

2). Waits for a reply from the server.

3). Parses the reply from the server.

This may seem like the obvious thing to do, and the question is: "why isn't every function in the library immediate?" The answer to that lies in a subtlety of how X's asynchronous nature works. Consider if we didn't have to intern just one atom, as above, but several.

let atom_names: Vec<String> = vec![ /* ... */ ];
let mut atoms: Vec<Atom> = Vec::with_capacity(atom_names.len());

for aton_name in atom_names {
    atoms.push(conn.intern_atom_immediate(atom_name, false)?);

Consider the workflow for the above program. It would:

  • Send InternAtomRequest #1 to the server.
  • Wait for reply #1.
  • Send InternAtomRequest #2 to the server.
  • Wait for reply #2.
  • and so on and so forth.

Although this is an acceptable solution, we can do better. We could send all of the requests in a batch, and then wait for replies after the requests have been sent. This would look like:

use breadx::{auto::xproto::InternAtomRequest, RequestCookie};

let atom_names: Vec<String> = vec![ /* ... */ ];
let mut atom_cookies: Vec<RequestCookie<InternAtomRequest>> = Vec::with_capacity(atom_names.len());
let mut atoms: Vec<Atom> = Vec::with_capacity(atom_names.len());

for atom_name in atom_names {
    // send the request to the server
    atom_cookies.push(conn.intern_atom(atom_name, false)?);

for atom_cookie in atom_cookies {
    // resolve the request from the server.

The above workflow is now:

  • Send InternAtomRequest #1 to the server.
  • Send InternAtomRequest #2 to the server.
  • and so on and so forth.
  • Wait for reply #1.
  • Wait for reply #2.
  • and so on and so forth.

This tends to be much more efficient. Of course, if you're only interning one atom, then intern_atom_immediate if preferred.

You should notice that the window now closes when the "x" button is clicked. Splendid!

Next time, we'll take a closer look at events and how we can use them to implement functionality in our program.