Crate bracoxide

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This crate provides a powerful and intuitive way to perform string brace expansion. Brace expansion is a feature commonly found in shells and text processing tools, allowing you to generate all possible combinations of strings specified within curly braces.


  • Simple and Easy-to-Use: With the bracoxide crate, expanding brace patterns in strings becomes a breeze. Just pass in your input string, and the crate will generate all possible combinations for you.

  • Flexible Brace Expansion: The crate supports various brace expansion patterns, including numeric ranges ({0..9}), comma-separated options ({red,green,blue}), nested expansions ({a{b,c}d}, {x{1..3},y{4..6}}), and more.

  • Robust Error Handling: The crate provides detailed error handling, allowing you to catch and handle any issues that may arise during the tokenization and expansion process.

  • Lightweight and Fast: Designed to be efficient and performant, ensuring quick and reliable string expansion operations.

Getting Started

To start using the bracoxide crate, add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:

bracoxide = "0.1.2"
use bracoxide::explode;

fn main() {
    let content = "foo{1..3}bar";
    match explode(content) {
        Ok(expanded) => {
            // 1. `foo1bar`
            // 2. `foo2bar`
            // 3. `foo3bar`
            println!("Expanded patterns: {:?}", expanded);
        Err(error) => {
            eprintln!("Error occurred: {:?}", error);

We hope you find the str expand crate to be a valuable tool in your Rust projects. Happy string expansion!


  • Provides functions and types for parsing tokens into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
  • Provides functionality for tokenizing input strings. It defines the Token enum, which represents individual tokens produced during tokenization, and the tokenize function, which converts an input string into a sequence of tokens.


  • An error type representing the failure to expand a parsed node.
  • Errors that can occur during the Brace Expansion process.


  • Bracoxidize the provided content by tokenizing, parsing, and expanding brace patterns.
  • Expands the given parsed node into a vector of strings representing the expanded values.
  • Same functionality as bracoxidize but with explosive materials. This crates’ all Error types (except the OxidizationError) implements std::error::Error trait. Why not get all the benefits from it?