pub trait Console {
Show 39 methods fn get_char_size(&self) -> (u32, u32); fn resize_pixels(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32); fn at(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> usize; fn cls(&mut self); fn cls_bg(&mut self, background: RGBA); fn print(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, output: &str); fn print_color(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, fg: RGBA, bg: RGBA, output: &str); fn printer(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        output: &str,
        align: TextAlign,
        background: Option<RGBA>
    ); fn set(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, fg: RGBA, bg: RGBA, glyph: FontCharType); fn set_bg(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, bg: RGBA); fn draw_box(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        height: i32,
        fg: RGBA,
        bg: RGBA
    ); fn draw_hollow_box(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        height: i32,
        fg: RGBA,
        bg: RGBA
    ); fn draw_box_double(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        height: i32,
        fg: RGBA,
        bg: RGBA
    ); fn draw_hollow_box_double(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        height: i32,
        fg: RGBA,
        bg: RGBA
    ); fn fill_region(&mut self, target: Rect, glyph: FontCharType, fg: RGBA, bg: RGBA); fn draw_bar_horizontal(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        n: i32,
        max: i32,
        fg: RGBA,
        bg: RGBA
    ); fn draw_bar_vertical(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        height: i32,
        n: i32,
        max: i32,
        fg: RGBA,
        bg: RGBA
    ); fn print_centered(&mut self, y: i32, text: &str); fn print_color_centered(&mut self, y: i32, fg: RGBA, bg: RGBA, text: &str); fn print_centered_at(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, text: &str); fn print_color_centered_at(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        fg: RGBA,
        bg: RGBA,
        text: &str
    ); fn print_right(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, text: &str); fn print_color_right(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, fg: RGBA, bg: RGBA, text: &str); fn to_xp_layer(&self) -> XpLayer; fn set_offset(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32); fn set_scale(&mut self, scale: f32, center_x: i32, center_y: i32); fn get_scale(&self) -> (f32, i32, i32); fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any; fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any; fn set_clipping(&mut self, clipping: Option<Rect>); fn get_clipping(&self) -> Option<Rect>; fn set_all_fg_alpha(&mut self, alpha: f32); fn set_all_bg_alpha(&mut self, alpha: f32); fn set_all_alpha(&mut self, fg: f32, bg: f32); fn set_translation_mode(&mut self, mode: CharacterTranslationMode); fn set_char_size(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32); fn clear_dirty(&mut self); fn in_bounds(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool { ... } fn try_at(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> Option<usize> { ... }
Expand description

Trait that must be implemented by console types.

Required Methods

Gets the dimensions of the console in characters

Converts an x/y coordinate to a console index number.

Clear the console.

Clear the console to a set background color, if supported.

Print a string at the specified x/y coordinate.

Print a string in color at the specified x/y coordinate, with specified foreground and background.

Print a colorized string with the color encoding defined inline. For example: printer(1, 1, “#[blue]This blue text contains a #[pink]pink#[] word”) You can get the same effect with a TextBlock, but this can be easier. Thanks to doryen_rs for the idea.

Sets a single cell to a color/glyph combination.

Sets a single cell’s background color.

Draws a box, starting at x/y with the extents width/height using CP437 line characters

Draws a box, starting at x/y with the extents width/height using CP437 line characters, without filling in the middle

Draws a box, starting at x/y with the extents width/height using CP437 double line characters

Draws a box, starting at x/y with the extents width/height using CP437 double line characters, without filling in the middle

Fills a rectangle-defined region with a given glyph

Draws a horizontal progress bar.

Draws a vertical progress bar.

Prints text, centered to the whole console width, at vertical location y.

Prints text in color, centered to the whole console width, at vertical location y.

Prints text, centered on an arbitrary point

Prints colored text, centered on an arbitrary point

Prints text right-aligned

Prints colored text right-aligned

Serializes the console layer to an XpFile

Specify a global offset (by character count, so 0.5 is half a character). Useful for drawing walls between tiles.

Specify a scale and center of the console. A scale above 1.0 will make the text larger. The center of the scale is at character position (center_x, center_y).

Get the scale & center of the console. Returns (scale, center_x, center_y).

Produces the implementor as an Any that can be matched to determine type and access natively.

Produces the implementor as an Any that can be matched to determine type and access natively.

Permits the creation of an arbitrary clipping rectangle. It’s a really good idea to make sure that this rectangle is entirely valid.

Returns the current arbitrary clipping rectangle, None if there isn’t one.

Sets ALL tiles foreground alpha (only tiles that exist, in sparse consoles).

Sets ALL tiles background alpha (only tiles that exist, in sparse consoles).

Sets ALL tiles foreground alpha (only tiles that exist, in sparse consoles).

Sets the character translation mode

Sets the character size of the layer. Be really careful with this.

Provided Methods

Returns true if an x/y coordinate is within the console bounds

Try to use a coordinate: return Some(the coordinate) if it is valid, None if it isn’t.
