Expand description

A library focused on detecting supported eBPF features on the current host


The approaches here taken are similar to the way bpftool probes functionality on the host. We recommend users use the bpftool feature subcommand for interactive display of eBPF feature support but we developed this library for incorporating these detection techniques within Rust apps.

Compatibility with bpftool

This library is aimed to exactly match the detection features of bpftool feature. If this is not the case, we consider it a bug.

As an example of this, we recreated the default output of bpftool feature here: examples/feature-probe.rs


We also support JSON output. This is powered by Serde, a popular serialization crate. Note that the JSON output differs in structure from the output of bpftool feature probe --json but semantically should be identical.

To see an example of JSON out, see the example examples/json-dump.rs.

Serialization support is NOT enabled by default. Please pass in the serde feature to enable.

Other serialization formats

Because of the abstraction Serde provides, we are not restricted to JSON and it is possible to support other serialization formats. This should work out of the box but if issues occur, please let us know.


For detecting all functionality, we’ve exported a singular function detect that can be configured with options through DetectOpts (to pass in the defaults you can use DetectOpts::default()):

use bpf_feature::{detect, DetectOpts};

let features = detect(DetectOpts::default());
// ...


detect is not the only entrypoint publicly exported. We have organized related features into modules that export specific detections through a features() function:

This means that in your application can choose which features to run:

use bpf_feature::kernel_config::{self, KERNEL_CONFIG_KEYS, KernelConfig};

match kernel_config::features() {
    Ok(KernelConfig { values }) => KERNEL_CONFIG_KEYS.iter().for_each(|&key| {
        match values.get(key) {
            Some(value) => println!("{} is set to {}", key, value),
            None => println!("{} is not set", key),
    Err(err) => println!("skipping kernel config, {}", err),


Features related specifically to eBPF program development

Features derived from compile-time kernel configuration

Features for miscellaneous eBPF subsystem properties

Features available and configurable through procfs


Options that can be passed into detect

Results of the entire feature detection set from detect


Primary function to run entire feature detection set