pub trait GeneratableWithPersianRug<C> where
    C: Context
{ type Generator: GeneratorWithPersianRug<C, Output = Self>; fn generator() -> Self::Generator; }
Available on crate feature persian-rug only.
Expand description

A type that has an associated default GeneratorWithPersianRug

This trait is implemented via the GeneratableWithPersianRug derive macro. It cannot be directly implemented because the library itself provides a blanket implementation from a more complex underlying trait MiniGeneratableWithPersianRug, which is not currently documented.

This restriction may be removed in a future version; much of the complexity in this module stems from lacking generic associated types on stable.

Required Associated Types

A default choice of GeneratorWithPersianRug for this type.

Required Methods

Return this object’s generator.


use boulder::{GeneratableWithPersianRug, GeneratorWithPersianRug};
use persian_rug::{contextual, persian_rug, Context, Mutator};

struct Foo {
   a: i32

struct State (
  #[table] Foo,

struct FooGenerator {
  a: i32

impl GeneratorWithPersianRug<State> for FooGenerator {
  type Output = Foo;
  fn generate<'b, B>(&mut self, context: B) -> (Foo, B)
    B: 'b + Mutator<Context = State>
    self.a += 1;
    (Foo { a: self.a }, context)

impl GeneratableWithPersianRug<State> for Foo {
  type Generator = FooGenerator;
  fn generator() -> Self::Generator {
    FooGenerator { a: 0 }

let mut s = State(Default::default());
let mut g = Foo::generator();

let (f1, _) = g.generate(&mut s);
assert_eq!(f1.a, 1);
let (f2, _) = g.generate(&mut s);
assert_eq!(f2.a, 2);
