Crate botan

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A wrapper for the Botan cryptography library


A raw block cipher interface (ie ECB mode)
X.509 certificate
A symmetric cipher
An object that can perform public key decryption
An object that performs public key encryption
The library error type
Represents an instance of format preserving encryption
Generate or check HOTP tokens
A hash function object
An object that performs key agreement
Specifies valid keylengths for symmetric ciphers/MACs
A big integer type
Message authentication code
A private key object
A public key object
A cryptographic random number generator
An object that can generate signatures
Generate or check TOTP tokens
An object that can perform public key signature verification
Information about the library version


Indicates if the certificate key is allowed for a particular usage
Represents result of cert validation
Which direction the cipher processes in
Possible error categories


Base64 decode some data
Base64 encode some data
Produce a bcrypt password hash
Verify a bcrypt password hash
Const time comparison
Password based key derivation function
Password based key derivation function, timed variant
Hex decode some data
Hex encode some data
Key derivation function
Unwrap a key encrypted using NIST’s AES key wrap algorithm
Wrap a key using NIST’s AES key wrap algorithm.
Password based key derivation function
Return the identifier used for PKCS1 v1.5 signatures for the specified hash
Securely zeroize memory
Scrypt key derivation

Type Definitions

The result of calling an operation on the library