Expand description

The BonsaiDb Server.


Command-line interface for the server.



The Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) configuration.

A connected database client.

A BonsaiDb server.

A locked reference to associated client data.

Defines a no-op dispatcher for a backend with no custom api.

A connected network peer.

Configuration options for Server

A database belonging to a CustomServer.

A PubSub subscriber for a CustomServer.


An error that can occur inside of a Backend function.

Controls how a server should handle a connection.

The default permissions to use for all connections to the server.

An error occurred while interacting with a Server.

A Backend with no custom functionality.

TCP ApplicationProtocols that BonsaiDb has some knowledge of.

The ways a client can be connected to the server.


URI of https://letsencrypt.org/ prod Directory. Certificates aquired from this are trusted by most Browsers.


A collection of supported protocols for a network service.

Tailors the behavior of a server to your needs.

A trait that can dispatch requests for a CustomApi.

A service that can handle incoming HTTP connections. A convenience implementation of TcpService that is useful is you are only serving HTTP and WebSockets over a service.

A service that can handle incoming TCP connections.

Type Definitions

A BonsaiDb server without a custom backend.