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BonsaiDb’s offline database implementation.

This crate exposes BonsaiDb’s local database implementation. The Storage type provides its most common functionality by implementing the StorageConnection.

Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

While this project is alpha, we are actively adopting the current version of Rust. The current minimum version is 1.58, and we plan on updating the MSRV to implement namespaced Features as soon as the feature is released.

Feature Flags

By default, the full feature is enabled. These features are prefixed by local- when being enabled from the omnibus bonsaidb crate.

  • full: Enables all the flags below
  • async: Enables async-compatible types
  • cli: Enables the clap structures for embedding database management commands into your own command-line interface.
  • encryption: Enables at-rest encryption.
  • instrument: Enables instrumenting with tracing.
  • multiuser: Enables multi-user support.
  • password-hashing: Enables the ability to use password authentication using Argon2.


pub use argon2;
pub use bonsaidb_core as core;


Command-line interface helpers.

Configuration options.

Encryption and secret management.


A database stored in BonsaiDb. This type is designed for use with Tokio. For blocking (non-asynchronous) code, see the Database type instead.

A file-based, multi-database, multi-user database engine. This type is designed for use with Tokio. For blocking (non-asynchronous) code, see the Storage type instead.

A database stored in BonsaiDb. This type blocks the current thread when used. See AsyncDatabase for this type’s async counterpart.

A file-based, multi-database, multi-user database engine. This type blocks the current thread when used. See AsyncStorage for this type’s async counterpart.

The unique id of a Storage instance.

A subscriber for PubSub messages.


Errors that can occur from interacting with storage.


A location to store and restore a database from.

Operations that can be performed on both Database and AsyncDatabase.

Functionality that is available on both Storage and AsyncStorage.