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Bones ECS

A minimal ECS ( Entity Component System ) designed for easy snapshotting and future moddability.

Originally forked from the Planck ECS, with heavy modifications.


Atomic Refcell implmentation.
Bitset implementation.
ECS component storage.
Entity implementation, storage, and interation.
The prelude.
World resource storage.
Implementation of stage abstraction for running collections of systems over a World.
Implements the system API for the ECS.
ULID-related utilities such as ULID map and type ULIDs.


The World is simply a collection of Resources, and ComponentStores.


The types of errors used throughout the ECS.


Helper trait that is auto-implemented for anything that may be stored in the ECS’s untyped storage.
Helper trait that is auto-implemented for all Clone-able types. Provides easy access to drop and clone funcitons for raw pointers.
Helper trait that is auto-implemented for anything that may be stored in the ECS’s typed storage.


Free-standing, shorter equivalent to Default::default().