Crate bnx_cal

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Bnx Core Abstraction Layer

Core Abstraction library abstracts a core. It provides interfaces to HAL layer above such that HAL layer above is void of any core and system specific information and core and system agnostic. However RISC-V standard specific core details that are common acrosss all RISC-V cores aret part of Common Core Abstraction Layer . System Abstraction Layer abstracts a system and Core Abstraction Layer abstracts a core.


E31 - a core and its abstracted in Core Abstraction Layer.
FE310 - a system with E31 core and peripherals is abstracted in System Abstraction Layer.

SAL dont cover that are abstracted in CAL instead might use them. In software architecture, CAL & SAL are beside each other as below.

---------------- Hardware Abstraction Layer --------------------------
| System Abstraction Layer |  Core Abstraction Layer

CAL abstracts:

Core Clock
Core Boot

Whereas SAL abstracts:



E31 Core module