Crate blosc

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Rust bindings for the C-Blosc block-oriented compression library.

Blosc is a high performance compressor optimized for binary data. It is especially good at compressing arrays of similar data. For example, floats that fit a particular statistical distribution, integers from a restricted range, or pointers that all share the same alignment. It also works well on arrays of Structs with similar content.

Unlike most other compression libraries, Blosc is block-oriented, rather than stream-oriented. This works well when the entire dataset to be compressed/decompressed is available at once.


let data: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 1, 2, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144];
let ctx = Context::new();
let compressed = ctx.compress(&data[..]);
let decompressed = decompress(&compressed).unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, decompressed);


  • An opaque Blosc-compressed buffer.
  • Holds basic settings for compress operations.


  • An unspecified error from C-Blosc
  • The desired compression level. Higher levels mean more compression.
  • Compressor selection.
  • Controls Blosc’s shuffle operation.


  • Decompress a blosc::Buffer into a newly allocated Vec
  • Decompress arbitrary data into a newly allocated Vec
  • Checks that the compressed buffer may contain valid blosc compressed data. On success, returns the size that the uncompressed data would have.

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