

Macro for defining component enums for packet identification
Macro for generating group structures prefixing the struct with (2) indicates that when encoding a byte value of two should be placed at the start.
Macro for generating structures that can be encoded and decoded from bytes (DONT USE THIS FOR GROUPS USE tdf_group because they require extra bytes)


Atomic backed counter implementation
Structure for packets that have been read where the contents are not know and are encoded as a vector of bytes.
Structure for a packet created by ourselves where the data contents are already known and not encoded
Structure for storing functions related to creation of packets
Structure for reading over a vec of bytes using a cursor.
Simple counter which is just backed by a u16 value that is incremented on each request
Structure for Tdf maps these are maps that are created from two Vec so they retain insertion order but are slow for lookups. This implementation guarantees the lengths of both lists are the same


Errors for when decoding packet structures
Enum for errors that could occur when dealing with packets (encoding and decoding)



Trait for implementing things that can be decoded from a Reader and encoded to a byte Vec
Trait for a Codec value which can be apart of a Tdf list
Trait for implementing packet target details
Trait implemented by Codec values that can be used as packet contents
Structure for counting requests to generate the packet ID’s for requests

Type Definitions

Result type for returning a value or Packet Error