Crate blastkids

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§Blastkids 🚀🔑🔑🔑 dependency status MIT licensed

A BLS12-381 child key derivation library written in Rust. Implements EIP-2333 and EIP-2334.

Fork of rust-bls-derivation using bls12_381_plus instead of curv-kzen, plus cleanup and documentation.


If you want to use Delegatable Anonymous Credentials the verification key (VK) becomes as long as the credential entries. Since a VK is simply several BLS12-381 public keys (PKs) we can use a derivation algorithm such as EIP-2333 in order to derive the long VK from a single root PK given any length.


cargo install blastkids

§API & Docs

See documentation on

See tests in for example usage.

use blastkids::{Manager, Zeroizing, derive};
use blastkids::{G1, G2};

// make a new manager for a G2 public key
let seed = Zeroizing::new([42u8; 32]);
let manager: Manager<G2> = Manager::from_seed(seed);

// With a Manager you can create as many account sas you need
let account_number = 1u32;
let account = manager.account(account_number);

let length = 8u8; // Specify how many Child Public Keys you need (in this case, 8). Can be up to 255.

// Anyone can use an Account Public Key and a `length` to derive an expanded account
let expanded_pk: Vec<G2> = derive(&, length);

// When you want to use the child account secret keys,
// you call `expand_to` on the account
let expanded = account.expand_to(length);

// This expand public keys are the same as the ones derived above
assert_eq!(, expanded_pk);


cargo test


§See also

§Prior Work


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue if you have any feature ideas or find any bugs. I also accept pull requests with open arms. Please:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a new branch for your changes
  3. Open a draft pull request so we can follow and collaborate on your changes
  4. Add tests for your changes
  5. Keep the diff minimal for each pull request
  6. Write meaningful commit messages
  7. Change Draft to Open when you’re ready for final review


  • Key derivation functions for BLS12-381 child keys


  • An Account is a hardened key derived from the master secret key.
  • When an Account uses a length to derive a Child Account, this struct is returned. It contains both Public Key and Secret Key in vectors.
  • This is an element of $\mathbb{G}_1$ represented in the projective coordinate space.
  • This is an element of $\mathbb{G}_2$ represented in the projective coordinate space.
  • Seed and master key Manager.
  • Represents an element of the scalar field $\mathbb{F}_q$ of the BLS12-381 elliptic curve construction.
  • Wrapper type for values that contains secrets, which attempts to limit accidental exposure and ensure secrets are wiped from memory when dropped. (e.g. passwords, cryptographic keys, access tokens or other credentials)
  • Zeroizing is a a wrapper for any Z: Zeroize type which implements a Drop handler which zeroizes dropped values.



  • Given an Account root Public Key and a length, derive the child account public keys