Module blarg::derive

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Derive Api for blarg configuration.

Getting Started

Use the derive Api by starting with a parameter struct S instrumented with #[derive(BlargParser)]. This will generate a function S::blarg_parse() -> S which parses the Cli parameters fitting S. blarg will do its best to infer the intended Cli from the parameter structure S.

This page includes a few demos on using the derive Api. More examples are outlined in the source.

use blarg::{derive::*, Collection, CommandLineParser, Nargs, Optional, Parameter, Scalar, Switch};

#[derive(Debug, Default, BlargParser)]
struct Parameters {
    apple: usize,
    banana: bool,
    carrots: Vec<u32>,
    daikon_root: Option<String>,

fn main() {
    let parameters = Parameters::blarg_parse();

This generates the following Cli program:

$ demo_derived -h
usage: demo_derived [-h] [--banana] [--daikon-root DAIKON_ROOT] APPLE CARROTS [...]
positional arguments:
 APPLE                                                          type: usize
 CARROTS [...]                                                  type: u32      initial: []
 -h, --help                  Show this help message and exit.
 --daikon-root DAIKON_ROOT                                      type: String

Parser/SubParser Configuration

See the macro definition for details on configuring the BlargParser and BlargSubParser.

Parameter Configuration

The implicit Cli inference uses the following rules:

Type        | Parameter
Option<T>   | Parameter::option(Optional::new(..), ..)
Vec<T>      | Parameter::argument(Collection::new(.., Nargs::AtLeastOne), ..)
HashSet<T>  | Parameter::argument(Collection::new(.., Nargs::AtLeastOne), ..)
bool        | Parameter::option(Switch::new(..), ..)
T           | Parameter::argument(Scalar::new(..) , ..)

Notice, these implicit rules do not capture all possible blarg configurations. Therefore, we provide the additional explicit configuration field attributes, which may be combined as necessary.

  • #[blarg(argument)] or #[blarg(option)] to explicitly use Parameter::argument(..) or Parameter::option(..), respectively. Only one of these may be used on the same field.
  • #[blarg(short = C] to explicitly set the short name for an option parameter. C must be a char value (ex: 'c').
  • #[blarg(collection = N)] to explicitly use Collection::new(.., N), where N is the Nargs variant. This is useful both for non-Vec/HashSet Collectable types, as well as to control the Nargs variant.
  • #[blarg(command = (Vi, Si), .., command = (Vj, Sj))] to define sub-command branches on the pairs (Vi, Si), .., (Vj, Sj). Each pair must be the variant V* and sub-parameter struct S* to configure. S* must be instrumented with #[blarg(BlargSubParser)], and follows the same configuration rules (both implicit and explicit) as a BlargParser.

A partial example of these rules is provided as follows:

#[derive(Default, BlargParser)]
struct Parameters {
    quick: usize,
    // the above generates:
    //  .add(Parameter::argument(Scalar::new(&mut parameters.quick), "quick"))

    brown: usize,
    // the above generates:
    //  .add(Parameter::option(Scalar::new(&mut parameters.brown), "brown", None))

    #[blarg(option, short = 'f')]
    fox: usize,
    // the above generates:
    //  .add(Parameter::option(Scalar::new(&mut, "fox", Some('f')))

    #[blarg(collection = Nargs::Precisely(2))]
    jumps: Pair<usize>,
    // the above generates:
    //  .add(Parameter::argument(Collection::new(&mut parameters.jumps, Nargs::Precisely(2)), "jumps"))
    // assumes: `impl<T> Collectable<T> for Pair<T>`

    #[blarg(command = (0, Sub0), command = (1, Sub1))]
    over: usize,
    // the above generates:
    //  .branch(Condition::new(Scalar::new(&mut parameters.over), "over"))
    //  .command(0, Sub0::setup_command)  // assuming `Sub0` is instrumented with `BlargSubParser`
    //  .command(1, Sub1::setup_command)  // assuming `Sub1` is instrumented with `BlargSubParser`

#[derive(Default, BlargSubParser)]
struct Sub0 {

#[derive(Default, BlargSubParser)]
struct Sub1 {

Help Messages

The previous implicit and explicit rules are sufficient to configure all possible blarg Cli semantics. Additionally, the following field attributes may be used to configure the Cli help message.

  • #[blarg(help = "..")] defines the help message for the parameter. This value is passed directly via the “help” documentation mechanism (parameter help or condition help).
  • #[blarg(choices)] instructs blarg to use the choice function generated by instrumenting the enum struct with #[derive(BlargChoices)]. See defining choices on a parameter or condition for how this affects the Cli help message.
  • #[blarg(choices = F)] instructs blarg to use the choice function F. This has the same meaning as the previous point.

The noted two choices attributes leverage functions of the signature fn my_func(value: Parameter<T>) -> Parameter<T>, where:

  • T is the concrete type of the field under instrumentation.

For example: fn my_func(value: Parameter<usize>) -> Parameter<usize>. Notice, if choices is applied to a sub-command branching field (#[blarg(command = ..)]), then instead use fn my_func(value: Condition<T>) -> Condition<T>.

A partial example of these rules is provided as follows:

#[derive(Default, BlargParser)]
struct Parameters {
    #[blarg(help = "do something")]
    lazy: usize,
    // the above generates:
    //  .add(Parameter::argument(Scalar::new(&mut parameters.lazy), "lazy")
    //      .help("do something"))

    dog: Enumeration,
    // the above generates:
    //  .add(Enumeration::setup_choices(Parameter::argument(Scalar::new(&mut, "dog")))
    // assumes: `Enumeration` is instrumented with `BlargChoices`

    #[blarg(choices = setup_choices)]
    period: usize,
    // the above generates:
    //  .add(setup_choices(Parameter::argument(Scalar::new(&mut parameters.period), "period")))

/// My custom setup_choices fn.
fn setup_choices(value: Parameter<usize>) -> Parameter<usize> {
    value.choice(0, "the 0th choice")
        .choice(1, "the 1st choice")
        .choice(2, "the 2nd choice")

enum Enumeration {


In the case of enums, simply instrument with #[derive(BlargChoices)] to automatically generate the setup function. The enum may be configured with the following field attributes:

  • #[blarg(help = "..")] defines the help message for the variant.
  • #[blarg(hidden)] instructs blarg to hide the variant.

For example:

enum Enumeration {
    // the above generates:
    //  .choice(VariantA, "")

    #[blarg(help = "the variant B choice")]
    // the above generates:
    //  .choice(VariantB, "the variant B choice")

    // the above does *not* instrument a `.choice(..)`

Derive Macros