[][src]Crate blake2b_simd


An implementation of the BLAKE2b hash with:

  • 100% stable Rust.
  • A SIMD implementation based on Samuel Neves' blake2-avx2. This implementation is very fast. See the Performance section below.
  • A portable, safe implementation for other platforms.
  • Dynamic CPU feature detection. Binaries for x86 include SIMD implementations by default and use the fastest implementation the processor supports.
  • All the features from the the BLAKE2 spec, like adjustable length, keying, and associated data for tree hashing.
  • A clone of the Coreutils b2sum command line utility, provided as a sub-crate. b2sum includes command line flags for all the BLAKE2 associated data features.
  • no_std support. The std Cargo feature is on by default, for CPU feature detection and for implementing std::io::Write.
  • The SIMD-friendly BLAKE2bp variant. This implementation is single-threaded, but it's faster than BLAKE2b, because it uses AVX2 more efficiently. It's available on the command line as b2sum --blake2bp.
  • Support for computing multiple BLAKE2b hashes in parallel. See many::hash_many and many::update_many. These interfaces match the efficiency of BLAKE2bp but produce BLAKE2b hashes. They're a building block for the Bao project.


use blake2b_simd::{blake2b, Params};

let expected = "ca002330e69d3e6b84a46a56a6533fd79d51d97a3bb7cad6c2ff43b354185d6d\
let hash = blake2b(b"foo");
assert_eq!(expected, &hash.to_hex());

let hash = Params::new()
    .key(b"The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage")
    .personal(b"L. P. Waterhouse")
assert_eq!("ee8ff4e9be887297cf79348dc35dab56", &hash.to_hex());

An example using the included b2sum command line utility:

$ cd b2sum
$ cargo build --release
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.04s
$ echo hi | ./target/release/b2sum --length 256
de9543b2ae1b2b87434a730727db17f5ac8b8c020b84a5cb8c5fbcc1423443ba  -


To run small benchmarks yourself, first install OpenSSL and libsodium on your machine, then:

cd benches/cargo_bench
# Use --no-default-features if you're missing OpenSSL or libsodium.
cargo +nightly bench

The benches/bench_multiprocess sub-crate runs various hash functions on long inputs in memory and tries to average over many sources of variability. Here are the results from my laptop for cargo run --release:

  • Intel Core i5-8250U, Arch Linux, kernel version 5.0.13
  • libsodium version 1.0.17
  • OpenSSL version 1.1.1.b
  • rustc 1.34.1
│ blake2b_simd many::hash │ 2.223 GB/s │
│ blake2b_simd BLAKE2bp   │ 2.211 GB/s │
│ sneves BLAKE2bp         │ 2.143 GB/s │
│ blake2b_simd BLAKE2b    │ 1.008 GB/s │
│ OpenSSL SHA-1           │ 0.971 GB/s │
│ sneves BLAKE2b          │ 0.949 GB/s │
│ libsodium BLAKE2b       │ 0.940 GB/s │
│ blake2b_simd portable   │ 0.812 GB/s │
│ OpenSSL SHA-512         │ 0.666 GB/s │

The benches/bench_b2sum.py script benchmarks b2sum against several Coreutils hashes, on a 1 GB file of random data. Here are the results from my laptop:

│ blake2b_simd b2sum --blake2bp │ 1.517 GB/s │
│ blake2b_simd b2sum            │ 0.820 GB/s │
│ coreutils sha1sum             │ 0.805 GB/s │
│ coreutils b2sum               │ 0.668 GB/s │
│ coreutils md5sum              │ 0.595 GB/s │
│ coreutils sha512sum           │ 0.593 GB/s │



BLAKE2bp, a variant of BLAKE2b that uses SIMD more efficiently.


Interfaces for hashing multiple inputs at once, using SIMD more efficiently.



A finalized BLAKE2 hash, with constant-time equality.


A parameter builder that exposes all the non-default BLAKE2 features.


An incremental hasher for BLAKE2b.



The number input bytes passed to each call to the compression function. Small benchmarks need to use an even multiple of BLOCKBYTES, or else their apparent throughput will be low.


The max key length.


The max hash length.


The max personalization length.


The max salt length.



Compute the BLAKE2b hash of a slice of bytes all at once, using default parameters.