


  • | Pick out the potential block-relay | only peers, and sort them by last block | time. |
  • | Sort an array by the specified comparator, | then erase the last K elements where | predicate is true. |
  • | Returns a local address that we should | advertise to this peer |
  • | Is our peer’s addrLocal potentially | useful as an external IP source? |
  • | Protect desirable or disadvantaged | inbound peers from eviction by ratio. | | This function protects half of the peers | which have been connected the longest, | to replicate the non-eviction implicit | behavior and preclude attacks that | start later. | | Half of these protected spots (1/4 of | the total) are reserved for the following | categories of peers, sorted by longest | uptime, even if they’re not longest | uptime overall: | | - onion peers connected via our tor control | service | | - localhost peers, as manually configured | hidden services not using -bind=addr[:port]=onion | will not be detected as inbound onion | connections | | - I2P peers | | This helps protect these privacy network | peers, which tend to be otherwise disadvantaged | under our eviction criteria for their | higher min ping times relative to IPv4/IPv6 | peers, and favorise the diversity of | peer connections. |
  • | Select an inbound peer to evict after | filtering out (protecting) peers having | distinct, difficult-to-forge characteristics. | The protection logic picks out fixed | numbers of desirable peers per various | criteria, followed by (mostly) ratios | of desirable or disadvantaged peers. | If any eviction candidates remain, | the selection logic chooses a peer to | evict. |

Type Definitions