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Rust Client for Bitcoin Core API

This is a client library for the Bitcoin Core JSON-RPC API.


Models the result of “waitfornewblock”, and “waitforblock”
Models the result of “estimatesmartfee”
Models the result of “getblockchaininfo”
Models the result of “getpeerinfo”
A wrapper around &u8 that will be serialized as hexadecimal. If you have an &[u8], you can .into() it into HexBytes.
Progress toward rejecting pre-softfork blocks
A wrapper around bitcoin::SigHashType that will be serialized according to what the RPC expects.
Status of a softfork


Used to represent an address type.
Enum to represent the BIP125 replacable status for a transaction.
Enum to represent the BIP125 replacable status for a transaction.
Used to represent arguments that can either be an address or a public key.