Expand description

Taproot script tree implementation allowing arbitrary tree processing/ modification (see TaprootScriptTree structure).


Ordered set of two branches under taptree node.

DFS path within the tree.

Error parsing string DFS path representation.

Error happening when taproot script tree is not complete at certain node.

Error indicating that the maximum taproot script tree depth exceeded.

Structure representing taproot branch node which does not have a complete information about its childen.

Error indicating an attempt to raise subtree above its depth (i.e. root).

Taproot script tree which keeps internal information in a tree data structure, which can be modified by adding or removing parts of the tree (subtrees). See Self::join, Self::split, Self::instill, Self::cut operations.

Taproot tree or subtree construction error: improper lexicographi ordering of the nodes.

Iterator over tree nodes.

Iterator over tree nodes on a path.

Iterator over leaf scripts stored in the leaf nodes of the taproot script tree.

Error indicating that the tree contains just a single known root node and can’t be split into two parts.


Errors happening during tree cut operation (see TaprootScriptTree::cut).

Represents position of a child node under some parent in DFS (deep first search) order.

Keeps information about DFS ordering of the child nodes under some parent node. Used in situations when the node organizes child elements basing on the lexicographic ordering of the node hashes; but still need to keep the information about an original DFS ordering.

Error happening when a provided DFS path does not exist within a known part of a tree.

Errors happening during tree instill operation (see TaprootScriptTree::instill).

Represents information about taproot script tree when some of the branches are not complete.

Structure representing any complete node inside taproot script tree.


Trait for taproot tree branch types.

Trait for taproot tree node types.