Crate bitcoin_keys

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Bitcoin keys

Types and traits for managing Bitcoin keys.


The Bitcoin protocol deals with multiple formats and contexts of keys. There are legacy ECDSA keys that may or may not be compressed, X-only (Taproot) keys, private keys, etc. To avoid mixing them, this library provides multiple newtypes and additional infrastructure aiding with conversions, parsing, serializing…

The crate is no_std and doesn’t require an allocator.


pub use secp256k1;
pub use bip340::XOnlyPrivateKey;
pub use bip340::XOnlyKeyPair;


Keys intended to be used in Schnorr sinatures - in P2TR.
Types handling ECDSA public keys.


Positive 256-bit integer guaranteed to be less than the secp256k1 curve order.
An x-only public key, used for verification of Schnorr signatures and serialized according to BIP-340.

Type Definitions

Key pair that is always serialized as compressed.
Private key that is always serialized as compressed.
Public key that is always serialized as compressed.
Key pair that may be serialized as uncompressed, used in legacy addresses only.
Private key that may be serialized as uncompressed, used in legacy addresses only.
Public key that may be serialized as uncompressed, used in legacy addresses only.