pub trait ExpandFromCache {
    // Required method
    fn expand_from_cache(
        pos: i32,
        read_cache: &DescriptorCache,
        output_scripts: &mut Vec<Script>,
        out: &mut FlatSigningProvider
    ) -> bool;

Required Methods§


fn expand_from_cache( &self, pos: i32, read_cache: &DescriptorCache, output_scripts: &mut Vec<Script>, out: &mut FlatSigningProvider ) -> bool

| Expand a descriptor at a specified position | using cached expansion data. | | ———– | @param[in] pos | | The position at which to expand the descriptor. | If IsRange() is false, this is ignored. | ––––– | @param[in] read_cache | | Cached expansion data. | ––––– | @param[out] output_scripts | | The expanded scriptPubKeys. | ––––– | @param[out] out | | Scripts and public keys necessary for | solving the expanded scriptPubKeys | (may be equal to provider). |
