

  • | This is an internal representation | of isminetype + invalidity. | | Its order is significant, as we return | the max of all explored possibilities. |
  • | This is an enum that tracks the execution | context of a script, similar to | | SigVersion in script/interpreter. | It is separate however because we want | to distinguish between top-level scriptPubKey | execution and P2SH redeemScript execution | (a distinction that has no impact on | consensus rules). |


  • | Value for the first BIP 32 hardened derivation. | Can be used as a bit mask and as a value. | See BIP 32 for more details. |



  • | Recursively solve script and return | spendable/watchonly/invalid status. | | ———– | @param keystore | | legacy key and script store | ––––– | @param scriptPubKey | | script to solve | ––––– | @param sigversion | | script type (top-level / redeemscript | / witnessscript) | ––––– | @param recurse_scripthash | | whether to recurse into nested p2sh | and p2wsh scripts or simply treat any | script that has been stored in the keystore | as spendable |

Type Definitions