Crate bitcoin_psbt

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  • | Enables interaction with an external signing | device or service, such as a hardware | wallet. See doc/
  • | Holds the results of AnalyzePSBT (miscellaneous | information about a PSBT) |
  • | A structure for PSBTs which contain | per-input information |
  • | Holds an analysis of one input from a | PSBT |
  • | A structure for PSBTs which contains | per output information |
  • | A version of CTransaction with the PSBT | format |




  • | Provides helpful miscellaneous information | about where a PSBT is in the signing workflow. | | ———– | @param[in] psbtx | | the PSBT to analyze | | ———– | @return | | A PSBTAnalysis with information about | the provided PSBT. |
  • | Combines PSBTs with the same underlying | transaction, resulting in a single | PSBT with all partial signatures from | each input. | | ———– | @param[out] out | | the combined PSBT, if successful | ––––– | @param[in] psbtxs | | the PSBTs to combine | | ———– | @return | | error (OK if we successfully combined | the transactions, other error if they | were not compatible) |
  • | Counts the unsigned inputs of a PSBT. |
  • | Decode a base64ed PSBT into a PartiallySignedTransaction |
  • | Decode a raw (binary blob) PSBT into | a PartiallySignedTransaction |
  • | Finalizes a PSBT if possible, and extracts | it to a CMutableTransaction if it could | be finalized. | | ———– | @param[in] psbtx | | PartiallySignedTransaction | ––––– | @param[out] result | | CMutableTransaction representing | the complete transaction, if successful | | ———– | @return | | True if we successfully extracted the | transaction, false otherwise |
  • | Finalizes a PSBT if possible, combining | partial signatures. | | ———– | @param[in,out] psbtx | | PartiallySignedTransaction to finalize | return True if the PSBT is now complete, | false otherwise |
  • | Compute a PrecomputedTransactionData | object from a psbt. |
  • | Checks whether a PSBTInput is already | signed. |
  • | Signs a PSBTInput, verifying that all | provided data matches what is being | signed. | | txdata should be the output of PrecomputePSBTData | (which can be shared across multiple | SignPSBTInput calls). If it is nullptr, | a dummy signature will be created. |
  • | Updates a PSBTOutput with information | from provider. | | This fills in the redeem_script, witness_script, | and hd_keypaths where possible. |