
  • | 256-bit unsigned big integer. |
  • | Non-refcounted RAII wrapper for FILE* | | Will automatically close the file when | it goes out of scope if not null. | | If you’re returning the file pointer, | return file.release(). | | If you need to close the file early, use | file.fclose() instead of fclose(file). |
  • | Template base class for fixed-sized | opaque blobs. |
  • | Template base class for unsigned big | integers. |

  • | Non-refcounted RAII wrapper around | a FILE* that implements a ring buffer | to deserialize from. It guarantees | the ability to rewind a given number | of bytes. | | Will automatically close the file when | it goes out of scope if not null. | | If you need to close the file early, use | file.fclose() instead of fclose(file). |
  • | Double ended buffer combining vector | and stream-like interfaces. >> and | << read and write unformatted data using | the above serialization templates. | | Fills with data in linear time; some | stringstream implementations take | N^2 time. |
  • | Dummy data type to identify deserializing | constructors. | | By convention, a constructor of a type | T with signature | | template T::T(deserialize_type, | Stream& s) | | is a deserializing constructor, which | builds the type by deserializing it | from s. If T contains const fields, this | is likely the only way to do so. |
  • | Minimal stream for reading from an existing | vector by reference |
  • | Minimal stream for overwriting and/or | appending to an existing byte vector | | The referenced vector will grow as necessary |
  • | 160-bit opaque blob. | | ———– | @note | | This type is called u160 for historical | reasons only. It is an opaque blob of | 160 bits and has no integer operations. |
  • | 256-bit opaque blob. | | ———– | @note | | This type is called uint256 for historical | reasons only. It is an opaque blob of | 256 bits and has no integer operations. | Use arith_uint256 if those are required. |



Type Definitions