Crate bitcoin_addrman

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  • | Extended statistics about a CAddress |
  • | Stochastic address manager | | Design goals: | | - Keep the address tables in-memory, and | asynchronously dump the entire table to | peers.dat. | | - Make sure no (localized) attacker can fill | the entire table with his nodes/addresses. | | To that end: | | Addresses are organized into buckets that can | each store up to 64 entries. | | ————————————— | Addresses to which our node has not | successfully connected go into 1024 “new” | buckets. | | - Based on the address range (/16 for | IPv4) of the source of information, or | if an asmap is provided, the AS it | belongs to (for IPv4/IPv6), 64 buckets | are selected at random. | | - The actual bucket is chosen from one of | these, based on the range in which the | address itself is located. | | - The position in the bucket is chosen | based on the full address. | | - One single address can occur in up to | 8 different buckets to increase | selection chances for addresses that are | seen frequently. The chance for | increasing this multiplicity decreases | exponentially. | | - When adding a new address to an occupied | position of a bucket, it will not | replace the existing entry unless that | address is also stored in another bucket | or it doesn’t meet one of several | quality criteria (see IsTerrible for | exact criteria). | | ————————————— | Addresses of nodes that are known to be | accessible go into 256 “tried” buckets. | | - Each address range selects at random | 8 of these buckets. | | - The actual bucket is chosen from one of | these, based on the full address. | | - When adding a new good address to an | occupied position of a bucket, a FEELER | connection to the old address is | attempted. The old entry is only | replaced and moved back to the “new” | buckets if this attempt was | unsuccessful. | | ————————————— | Bucket selection is based on cryptographic | hashing, using a randomly-generated 256-bit | key, which should not be observable by | adversaries. | | ————————————— | Several indexes are kept for high | performance. Setting m_consistency_check_ratio | with the -checkaddrman configuration option will | introduce (expensive) consistency checks for | the entire data structure.




Type Definitions