[][src]Type Definition biscuit::JWE

type JWE<T, H, I> = Compact<JWT<T, H>, I>;

A convenience type alias of a "JWE" which is a compact JWE that contains a signed/unsigned compact JWS.

Type T is the type of private claims for the encapsulated JWT, and type H is the type of the private header fields of the encapsulated JWT. Type I is the private header fields fo the encapsulating JWE.

Usually, you would set H and I to biscuit::Empty because you usually do not need any private header fields.

In general, you should sign a JWT claims set, then encrypt it, although there is nothing stopping you from doing it the other way round.


Sign with HS256, then encrypt with A256GCMKW and A256GCM

use std::str::FromStr;
use biscuit::{ClaimsSet, RegisteredClaims, Empty, SingleOrMultiple, JWT, JWE};
use biscuit::jwk::JWK;
use biscuit::jws::{self, Secret};
use biscuit::jwe;
use biscuit::jwa::{EncryptionOptions, SignatureAlgorithm, KeyManagementAlgorithm,
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

// Define our own private claims
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct PrivateClaims {
    company: String,
    department: String,

// Craft our JWS
let expected_claims = ClaimsSet::<PrivateClaims> {
    registered: RegisteredClaims {
        issuer: Some(FromStr::from_str("https://www.acme.com").unwrap()),
        subject: Some(FromStr::from_str("John Doe").unwrap()),
        audience: Some(SingleOrMultiple::Single(
        not_before: Some(1234.into()),
    private: PrivateClaims {
        department: "Toilet Cleaning".to_string(),
        company: "ACME".to_string(),

let expected_jwt = JWT::new_decoded(
    From::from(jws::RegisteredHeader {
        algorithm: SignatureAlgorithm::HS256,

let jws = expected_jwt

// Encrypt the token

// You would usually have your own AES key for this, but we will use a zeroed key as an example
let key: JWK<Empty> = JWK::new_octet_key(&vec![0; 256 / 8], Default::default());

// We need to create an `EncryptionOptions` with a nonce for AES GCM encryption.
// You must take care NOT to reuse the nonce. You can simply treat the nonce as a 96 bit
// counter that is incremented after every use
let mut nonce_counter = num::BigUint::from_bytes_le(&vec![0; 96 / 8]);
// Make sure it's no more than 96 bits!
assert!(nonce_counter.bits() <= 96);
let mut nonce_bytes = nonce_counter.to_bytes_le();
// We need to ensure it is exactly 96 bits
nonce_bytes.resize(96 / 8, 0);
let options = EncryptionOptions::AES_GCM { nonce: nonce_bytes };

// Construct the JWE
let jwe = JWE::new_decrypted(
    From::from(jwe::RegisteredHeader {
        cek_algorithm: KeyManagementAlgorithm::A256GCMKW,
        enc_algorithm: ContentEncryptionAlgorithm::A256GCM,
        media_type: Some("JOSE".to_string()),
        content_type: Some("JOSE".to_string()),

// Encrypt
let encrypted_jwe = jwe.encrypt(&key, &options).unwrap();

let token = encrypted_jwe.unwrap_encrypted().to_string();

// Now, send `token` to your clients

// ... some time later, we get token back!
let token: JWE<PrivateClaims, Empty, Empty> = JWE::new_encrypted(&token);

// Decrypt
let decrypted_jwe = token

let decrypted_jws = decrypted_jwe.payload().unwrap();
assert_eq!(jws, *decrypted_jws);

// Don't forget to increment the nonce!
nonce_counter = nonce_counter + 1u8;