macro_rules! format_args {
    ($($value:expr),+ $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Constructs the parameters for other formatting macros.

This macro functions by taking a list of objects implementing crate::Format. It canonicalize the arguments into a single type.

This macro produces a value of type crate::Arguments. This value can be passed to the macros within crate. All other formatting macros (format!, write!) are proxied through this one. This macro avoids heap allocations.

You can use the Arguments value that format_args! returns in Format contexts as seen below.

use biome_formatter::{SimpleFormatContext, format, format_args};
use biome_formatter::prelude::*;

let formatted = format!(SimpleFormatContext::default(), [
    format_args!(text("Hello World"))

assert_eq!("Hello World", formatted.print()?.as_code());