macro_rules! write {
    ($dst:expr, [$($arg:expr),+ $(,)?]) => { ... };
Expand description

Writes formatted data into a buffer.

This macro accepts a ‘buffer’ and a list of format arguments. Each argument will be formatted and the result will be passed to the buffer. The writer may be any value with a write_fmt method; generally this comes from an implementation of the crate::Buffer trait.


use biome_formatter::prelude::*;
use biome_formatter::{Buffer, FormatState, SimpleFormatContext, VecBuffer, write};

let mut state = FormatState::new(SimpleFormatContext::default());
let mut buffer = VecBuffer::new(&mut state);
write!(&mut buffer, [text("Hello"), space()])?;
write!(&mut buffer, [text("World")])?;

        FormatElement::StaticText { text: "Hello" },
        FormatElement::StaticText { text: "World" },