Module biodivine_lib_bdd::tutorial::p03_bdd_manipulation

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§Manipulating Bdds idiomatically

There are multiple ways of creating Bdds representing complex boolean formulas, each useful in different situations.

§Direct method calls

Once you have created the basic formulas, you can combine them using the methods of the Bdd struct into more complex formulas:

use biodivine_lib_bdd::BddVariableSet;

let vars = BddVariableSet::new(&["a", "b", "c"]);
let a = vars.mk_var_by_name("a");
let b = vars.mk_var_by_name("b");
let c = vars.mk_var_by_name("c");

let a_and_b = a.and(&b);
let b_or_c = b.or(&c);
let a_and_b_not_eq_b_or_c = a_and_b.iff(&b_or_c).not();

Sadly, this can be quite cumbersome for large formulas. Thankfully, there are easier ways to manipulate Bdds.

§Boolean expressions

Once you have a BddVariableSet ready, the most basic way to quickly create complex Bdds is to use our custom Boolean expression language:

use biodivine_lib_bdd::BddVariableSet;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use biodivine_lib_bdd::boolean_expression::BooleanExpression;

let variables = BddVariableSet::new(&["a", "b", "c"]);

let f1 = variables.eval_expression_string("a & (!b => c ^ a)");

let expression = BooleanExpression::try_from("(b | a ^ c) & a").unwrap();
let f2 = variables.eval_expression(&expression);

assert_eq!(f1, f2);

In these expressions, you can use all common logical operators (in the order of precedence: <=>, =>, |, &, ^, !), parentheses, and any variable name which is valid in your set.

Notice that if something goes wrong, eval_expression_string panics. If you want to use the same expression repeatedly or allow the user to enter their own expressions, you can parse the expression safely using BooleanExpression::try_from and then use safe_eval_expression. This will give you a human-readable error when the parsing fails or there are invalid variables in the expression.

§bdd macro

When using expressions, you can’t reuse existing Bdds - specifically, expressions are awesome when creating small, self-contained examples but don’t work very well if you need to pass Bdds around and manipulate them.

For this, you can use the bdd macro. Unfortunately, rust macro system is a bit stricter, hence macros are not as permissive as expressions, but they still allow a fair amount of succinctness.

The main difference compared to expressions is that in a macro, every operator (even !) must be properly parenthesised (except for the root of the expression). On the other hand, you are no longer limited to variable names as atoms, you can use any Bdd object in the current scope. Furthermore, if you specify a BddVariableSet, you can also use ony BddVariable, or even &str (which will be interpreted as a variable name).

use biodivine_lib_bdd::{BddVariableSet, bdd, BddVariableSetBuilder};

let mut builder = BddVariableSetBuilder::new();
let [a, b, c] = builder.make(&["a", "b", "c"]);
let variables =;

// Mixed usage of `BddVariable` and `&str` to create literals.
let f1 = bdd!(variables, a & ((!"b") => ("c" ^ a)));
let f2 = bdd!(variables, (b | ("a" ^ c)) & "a");
// If all literals are `Bdd` objects, you can omit the `BddVariableSet`.
let eq = bdd!(f1 <=> f2);

assert_eq!(variables.mk_true(), eq);

§Conjunctive/Disjunctive clauses and normal forms

Various tools often output logical formulas in either conjunctive or disjunctive normal form (CNF or DNF). To better support this type of format, you can rely on BddPartialValuation to create clauses (either disjunctive or conjunctive) and then full CNF/DNF formulas.

One advantage of this approach is relative conciseness and machine-friendliness. Another reason why this API is available is that creating clauses explicitly (via and/or methods) can be resource intensive for formulas with a large amount of variables and clauses. In these cases, each literal in such a formula requires creation of a new Bdd object which is quite costly when there are, say, 10.000+ literals. These special methods partially avoid this problem.

use biodivine_lib_bdd::{BddVariableSet, BddPartialValuation, BddVariableSetBuilder};

let mut builder = BddVariableSetBuilder::new();
let [a, b, c] = builder.make(&["a", "b", "c"]);
let variables =;

// A partial assignment of variables: a=true, c=false, b remains unspecified.
let clause_one = BddPartialValuation::from_values(&[(a, true), (c, false)]);
// Order of variables can be arbitrary. Duplicates resolve to the last provided value.
let clause_two = BddPartialValuation::from_values(&[(b, true), (a, false), (b, false)]);

// Building a single clause:
    variables.eval_expression_string("a | !c")
    variables.eval_expression_string("a & !c")

// Or a full CNF/DNF formula:
let cnf_formula = variables.eval_expression_string("(a | !c) & (!b | !a)");
let dnf_formula = variables.eval_expression_string("(a & !c) | (!b & !a)");

let formula = [clause_one, clause_two];
assert_eq!(variables.mk_dnf(&formula), dnf_formula);
assert_eq!(variables.mk_cnf(&formula), cnf_formula);

To learn more about how to work with individual valuations of a Bdd, you can also look at the fourth chapter of this tutorial.