Module bio::data_structures::interval_tree [] [src]

Interval tree, a data structure for efficiently storing and searching intervals.

This data structure uses an Interval type to define the intervals. It is implemented by wrapping the std::ops::Range in a newtype. An interval must have a positive with and the interval bounds may be specified by any type satisfies both the std::cmp::Ord and Clone trait. Because Interval implements From<Range> you can also uses normal Range arguments in the insert and find functions. This implicit conversion will panic if a negative-width range is supplied.

Upon inserting an interval may be associated with a data value. The intervals are stored in an augmented AVL-tree which allows for efficient inserting and querying.


use bio::data_structures::interval_tree::{IntervalTree};
use bio::utils::Interval;

let mut tree = IntervalTree::new();
tree.insert(11..20, "Range_1");
tree.insert(25..30, "Range_2");
for r in tree.find(15..25) {
    assert_eq!(r.interval().start, 11);
    assert_eq!(r.interval().end, 20);
    assert_eq!(r.interval(), &(Interval::from(11..20)));
    assert_eq!(, &"Range_1");



A find query on the interval tree does not directly return references to the nodes in the tree, but wraps the fields interval and data in an Entry.


A find_mut query on the interval tree does not directly return references to the nodes in the tree, but wraps the fields interval and data in an EntryMut. Only the data part can be mutably accessed using the data method


An interval tree for storing intervals with data


An IntervalTreeIterator is returned by Intervaltree::find and iterates over the entries overlapping the query


An IntervalTreeIteratorMut is returned by Intervaltree::find_mut and iterates over the entries overlapping the query allowing mutable access to the data D, not the the Interval.