Crate bintex

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Create LaTeX bytefield diagrams with the use of rust proc-macros and the deku library

For documentation and examples on available #[bintex] attributes and features, see attributes list


    #[derive(BinTex, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
    #[bintex(bit_width = 32)]
    struct Ipv6 {
        #[deku(bits = "4")]
        version: u8,
        #[deku(bits = "6")]
        ds: u8,
        #[deku(bits = "2")]
        ecn: u8,
        #[deku(bits = "20")]
        label: u32,
        length: u16,
        next_header: u8,
        hop_limit: u8,
        src: u32,
        dst: u32,



Derive Macros§