Module bindgen::ir::analysis

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Fix-point analyses on the IR using the “monotone framework”.

A lattice is a set with a partial ordering between elements, where there is a single least upper bound and a single greatest least bound for every subset. We are dealing with finite lattices, which means that it has a finite number of elements, and it follows that there exists a single top and a single bottom member of the lattice. For example, the power set of a finite set forms a finite lattice where partial ordering is defined by set inclusion, that is a <= b if a is a subset of b. Here is the finite lattice constructed from the set {0,1,2}:

                   .----- Top = {0,1,2} -----.
                  /            |              \
                 /             |               \
                /              |                \
             {0,1} -------.  {0,2}  .--------- {1,2}
               |           \ /   \ /             |
               |            /     \              |
               |           / \   / \             |
              {0} --------'   {1}   `---------- {2}
                \              |                /
                 \             |               /
                  \            |              /
                   `------ Bottom = {} ------'

A monotone function f is a function where if x <= y, then it holds that f(x) <= f(y). It should be clear that running a monotone function to a fix-point on a finite lattice will always terminate: f can only “move” along the lattice in a single direction, and therefore can only either find a fix-point in the middle of the lattice or continue to the top or bottom depending if it is ascending or descending the lattice respectively.

For a deeper introduction to the general form of this kind of analysis, see Static Program Analysis by Anders Møller and Michael I. Schwartzbach.


An analysis that finds for each IR item whether a trait cannot be derived.
An analysis that finds for each IR item whether it has a destructor or not
An analysis that finds for each IR item whether it has float or not.
An analysis that finds for each IR item whether it has array or not.
An analysis that finds for each IR item whether it has vtable or not
An analysis that computes the sizedness of all types.
An analysis that finds for each IR item its set of template parameters that it uses.


Whether an analysis’s constrain function modified the incremental results or not.
Which trait to consider when doing the CannotDerive analysis.
The result of the HasVtableAnalysis for an individual item.
The result of the Sizedness analysis for an individual item.


A convenience trait for the things for which we might wonder if they have a vtable during codegen.
An analysis in the monotone framework.
A convenience trait for querying whether some type or id is sized.


Run an analysis in the monotone framework.
Convert a HashMap<ItemId, CanDerive> into a HashSet<ItemId>.
Generate the dependency map for analysis