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A simple, zero-dependency property-binding framework. It was originally designed to use imgui-rs without drowning in mutable references to everything and constantly fighting with the borrow checker.


bind() can be called on an immutable &Property to get a mutable binding. The PropertyBinding returned by bind() Derefs to &T and DerefMuts to &mut T. The binding needs to be referenced mutably for DerefMut, so rust’s borrow checker enforces exclusive mutable access XOR muliple immutable access to the binding itself. The binding unbinds itself when Dropped, so it is automatically freed when it exits scope.


pub struct PropHaver {
    pub prop: binder::Property<f32>
fn use_prop(p: &PropHaver, ui: &imgui::Ui) {
    ui.slider("wow what a cool slider", &mut p.prop.bind());


Property owns its value and maintains its own invariants over that value. Properties cannot be bound more than once at the same time. The thread-safe AtomicBool is used to synchronize access to the binding, so it should be fully thread-safe as well.

Properties CANNOT be cloned to get more references to the same value. You can use Rc<Property> or Arc<Property> for that.


bind() will panic if called on a Property that’s already been bound elsewhere. Use try_bind() for a non-panicking version.


Used to define a bindable property. See crate-level documentation for more details.

A binding to a Property. Allows mutable and immutable access to the value via dereferencing. Exclusive access is enforced by the borrow checker like any other mutable object. PropertyBinding automatically unbinds itself when Dropped, and allowing the binding to leave scope and be Dropped is the preferred usage.